ESG Report of the Enea Capital Group for 2023

2030 Development Strategy

When we think about the future of our Group, we have in mind the principles of our Green Change. We have based our sustainable transition and climate neutrality on replacing coal energy with zero-emission, renewable energy sources – this plan is the basis of ENEA Group Development Strategy until 2030 with an outlook to 2040. The Strategy is complemented by ENEA Capital Group Climate Policy, which was adopted in December 2023 and which outlines the impact our Group has on the environment and the management directions and mechanisms that help us ensure sustainability of our business and respect for our planet’s natural resources.

Our Group’s plans for growth are in tune with the changes in Poland’s energy sector and the EU regulatory frameworks.

Apart from the overriding objective, our objectives are also:

We want the green transition to increase the value of our Group. We intend to achieve climate neutrality by developing renewable energy sources (RES) with the latest technology. We will increase the installed RES capacity through acquisitions, development of own projects and working with our business partners. We are convinced that innovative, future-oriented RES projects will help the Group achieve competitive advantage.

In the initial stages of the pathway to climate neutrality, having the country’s energy security in mind, we intend to use gas as the low-carbon transition fuel. Our investment in this area will be limited to the replacement of the essential generation capacities. Developing RES will be stabilized by low-emission conventional sources.

Our Strategy outlines 13 key directions for growth of the Enea Capital Group:
Key Performance Indicators to monitor progress towards Strategy’s objectives of Enea Capital Group*

1) Increase in installed RES capacity (gross) compared to 2020, excluding the Green Unit of Połaniec Power Plant and energy storage.
2) Excluding the bituminous coal fired generation capacities (without the Green Unit of Połaniec Power Plant.

* It will be updated after the presentation of a new or modified government concept regarding the separation of coal assets from energy companies.

Planned evolution of the Enea Group’s energy generation structure

The current structure of the installed capacity and planned shutdowns of individual coal-fired units in Kozienice and Połaniec Power Plants and conventional sources of Enea Ciepło have been presented below.

Generation – list of installed capacities

Kozienice Power Plant

Unit U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 U8 U9 U10 U11
Installed capacity [MW] 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 230 560 560 1 112
Planned shutdown year 2031 2031 2030 2030 2032 2032 2033 2033 2041 2042 2048

The above data for Enea Wytwarzanie – Kozienice Power Plant has been prepared on the basis of the current working schedules of the units and the scheduled generation unit shutdowns.

Połaniec Power Plant

Unit U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6 U7 GU (U9)
Installed capacity [MW] 200 242 242 242 242 242 239 230
Planned shutdown year 20231) 2034 2034 2034 2034 2034 2034 2042

1) U1 was decommissioned as of 1 January 2024.

The above data reflects the current working schedule of the units and the scheduled shutdowns of the generation units. Currently, work is under way on a project titled Adaptation of ENEA Połaniec Power Plant to the Capacity Market requirements after 1 July 2025 (units U2–U7) to maximise the co-firing of biomass and reduce emissions from energy generation in the power plant.

Enea Ciepło

Unit U1 U2 U3 U41) Water boilers B1 B2 B3 B4 B5
Installed capacity [MW] 55 55 70 23.5 Installed capacity [MW] 0 0 0 0 0
Thermal capacity [MWt] 98.4 108 108 0 Thermal capacity [MWt] 33 35 35 40 40
Planned last year of production 2 028 2 045 2 055 2 061 Planned last year of production

1) 1) Condensing turbine unit powered by discharges from the U1 unit

Operationalisation of the ENEA Group Development Strategy until 2030 with an outlook to 2040 with regard to the renewable energy sources involved the launch of the ENEA Group RES portfolio with projects carried out across four areas: photovolatic farms, wind farms, offshore solar farms and other RES technologies.

Enea Nowa Energia

Areas Item

Installed capacity [MW]

Water 21 water stages with auxiliary facilities: 132 kW to 24.8 MW hydroelectricpower plants on rivers: Brda, Wda, Gwda, Rega, Drawa, Myśla, Obra and Wełna, 58.8
Wind farms Bardy, Darżynoi Baczyna (Lubno I and Lubno II) 71.6
Photovoltaic farms PV Jastrowie I, PV Likowo, PV Lubno I, PV Lubno II, Krzęcin 1,2 and 71), PV FW Lubno I, PV Darżyno2) 12.0
Biogas Liszkowo and Gorzesław biogas plants 3.8

1) PV Krzęcin 1, 2 and 7 comprises three systems with 1 MW capacity each. On 25 August 2023, the Company was entered in the register of small-installation energy producers.
2) PV Darżyno with 2 MW capacity is now being commissioned. Once the licence is granted, the total installed capacity of the photovoltaic farms to be used by Enea Nowa Energia will be 14.0 MWe.

Enea Nowa Energia, with its acquisition and development, plays an important role in new RES projects developed by the Enea Group.

With acquisition being one of Enea Group’s directions for RES development, the following companies have been incorporated in the Group in 2023.

New renewable energy producers in the Enea Capital Group

Company Photovoltaic farm Installed capacity [MW]
PRO-WIND PV Tarnów 10.0
PV Tykocin PV Kapice Lipniki 2.0
PV Genowefa PV Genowefa 35.0
Strategy of LW Bogdanka Capital Group

On 17 May 2023, LW Bogdanka published its Strategy of the LW Bogdanka Capital Group for 2023–2030 with an outlook until 2040. The document outlines major directions for growth and transformation which assume the development of an innovative multi-commodity enterprise driving green transition and securing the economic development of the Lublin region. LWB’s new strategy is built on five pillars:

  • a strong coal foundation, with LW Bogdanka as the leader in efficient coal mining as long as the mine operates,
  • a multi-commodity conglomerate,
  • guaranteed energy sustainability,
  • green transition,
  • future of the Lublin region.

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