Enea Group’s growth strategy in the context of climate change

The departure from coal-fired power generation and the intention to ultimately hold only zero-emission generation assets are driven equally by our awareness of sustainable development, and business and regulatory factors. We have carried out preliminary analyses of the relationships between climate change and the company’s business model and strategy. Also, ENEA Capital Group Climate Policy has outlined our organisation’s impact on the environment and the measures to take to protect natural resources.
ENEA Capital Group Climate Policy is complementary to the Development Strategy of the ENEA Capital Group.
Key pillars for growth of the Enea Group – social and climate aspects:
Roles and responsibilities in the Enea Group
The Group’s rules of managing climate change are clear and transparent. They rely on the engagement of all Employees who, regardless of their position, are assigned specific roles and responsibilities.
We have adopted clear and transparent rules to manage issues linked with climate change. We make sure that all our Employees, regardless of their position, are involved in this process – we assign specific roles and responsibilities to them.
The ENEA Capital Group Climate Policy specifies the responsibilities of the Management Board and executives of Enea SA as well as the responsibilities of other Group’s companies with regard to climate change. In accordance with the solutions we have adopted, the Management Board of Enea SA sets and approves the objectives and priorities of the Group Climate Policy.
The Director of the Department for Group Strategy and Development Management is responsible for implementing and updating the ENEA Capital Group Climate Policy. The Climate Transition Office operating within that Department coordinates and supports the development of the directions of actions and measures recommended to the Group’s companies with regard to the impact on the climate or the direct impact of the climate on the Group’s assets. In addition, all Group’s Employees are obliged to follow the provisions of the Climate Policy.
The Group’s responsible approach to climate issues is further evidenced by the complex organisational structure dedicated to the ENEA Capital Group Climate Policy, including the establishment of the unit to coordinate the Group’s climate transformation. Moreover, the Group’s Employees at all organisational levels are obliged to adhere to the provisions of the ENEA Capital Group Climate Policy. The appropriate organisational units within the Group’s companies identify climate-related risks.
Our roles and responsibilities for climate and the Green Change have been outlined in ENEA Capital Group Climate Policy. The Policy sets out our ambitions for reducing the impact on the environment. It also describes the management methods and attitudes that we promote as far as adaptation to the present and forecasted climate change is concerned. Green Change is about sustainable transition that will help increase the Enea Group’s value while ensuring energy security. At the same time, it assumes that we become climate neutral as soon as possible.
How we deliver on our climate ambitions:
- we account for environmental factors when developing new services and products,
- we invest in solutions that satisfy stringent environmental standards,
- we work on technologies to increase production of energy from renewable sources,
- we make rational use of energy and natural resources and strive to reduce the amount of waste and pollution that we generate,
- we initiate and actively participate in educational campaigns for environmental protection and building environmental awareness,
- we seek to prevent breakdowns that can be harmful to the environment,
- when selecting suppliers of products and services, we consider non-price criteria, including environmental factors, such as energy efficiency of the object of the contract,
- we conduct our communication in a manner that promotes environmentally friendly values; our sponsorship focuses on environmental protection,
- we require that third parties that carry out work on the premises and for the benefit of the Group’s companies follow stringent environmental protection rules, including the rules on handling the waste produced during such work,
- we apply methodologies for monitoring and documenting specific environmental impacts and effects of the environmental efforts.
Selected organisational units in Group’s companies identify risks arising from the organisation’s impact on climate and risks arising from the impact of climate change on the organisation.