ESG Report of the Enea Capital Group for 2023

New lines of business

GRI:[ ]
  • GRI 203-2

Our Development Strategy provides for the development of new lines of business, which will use the Group’s own resources, as well as synergies from collaboration with partners from other industries. We focus on new product and service packages to be added to our offering. A key area of interest is analysing the best energy storage technologies (large-scale and high-capacity facilities) offered and under development (including R&D+I) available in Europe. They are intended to ensure the necessary stability of RES and to become an element of Poland’s energy security.

Other promising lines of business are related to the management of waste left from RES installations and energy storage facilities.  The Group also intends to become more involved in management of combustion by-products coming from manufacturing, specifically from conventional power generation and district heating, both from the ongoing activity and from the existing landfill sites. We also plan to expand our offering to local communities and individual prosumers, by working more closely with local governments and urban development NGOs. Here, particularly interesting is the idea of establishing and managing energy islands (the so-called energy clusters). We are also considering getting involved in SMR (small modular reactors) and MMR (micro modular reactors) projects, as one of the potential technologies that will help the Group maintain its market position over a longer time horizon with gradual replacement of the conventional sources.

We also analyse the energy storage technologies, hydrogen technologies and innovative use of traditional RES (agrovoltaics, trackers, hydropower plants). Our companies work together to innovate and apply the latest technologies. Together, we make sure to optimise the expenditure and cost of such activities.

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