Strategic measures in distribution

We realise that the distribution network must be invested in on account of the fast growth of the number of distributed generation installations, requirements to support the development of local energy markets and the emerging energy communities – clusters and energy cooperatives. The company responsible for energy distribution in our Group is Enea Operator. In line with the Group’s Development Strategy, the company’s focus is to:
- ensure energy security,
- ensure continuous and reliable supply and take-up of electricity with appropriate quality parameters,
- develop a smart distribution grid, including, in particular, a full-scale implementation of smart metering, development of SCADA systems, development of tools to support network management processes, including communication and data transmission systems, as well as grid automation, taking into account cybersecurity considerations,
- change the model of operation of DSOs, resulting from the dynamic increase in the number and capacity of distributed sources, which leads to major changes in the functioning of the energy market and the roles of its existing participants. Enea Operator wants to be an active, neutral market support, enabling grid users to benefit from many services that go beyond energy supply. For this purpose, the company will, in particular, adapt the power grid to operate in conditions of high volatility of generation sources, including converting it from a passive (one-way) grid to an active (two-way) grid.
In 2023, we continued Strategy-aligned investment projects with regard to Enea Operator. Their main objective was to ensure continuous and reliable supply of electricity with appropriate quality parameters. The projects included: construction and modernisation of high, medium and low-voltage lines and transformer stations, including network automation, assembly of modern remote reading meters at end users in accordance with the requirements of the Energy Law and Smart Grid solutions, and a change in operation as a DSO. The changes and the need to invest in the distribution network are required on account of the fast growth of the number of distributed generation installations, requirements to support the development of local energy markets and the emerging energy communities – clusters and energy cooperatives. In addition, there are local balancing zones, energy storage facility owners, electric vehicles and charging stations. Modernisation involving, for example, replacement of components with new ones often involves large financial outlays and is considered to be investment.
Enea Operator
In 2022, Enea Operator together with Poland’s four other largest distribution system operators (Energa Operator, PGE Dystrybucja, Stoen Operator, Tauron Dystrybucja) signed the Charter for the Effective Transformation of Distribution Grids of the Polish Power Industry, in which they outlined network assumptions that should be reflected in the development plans of all the signatories. The Charter’s goal is to carry out a successful transformation of the energy distribution sector by 2030, which will be key to the successful transformation of the entire energy industry and requires considerable financing and appropriate regulatory environment.
Our main objective is to ensure the energy security for consumers within the concession area. One of the factors that guarantee uninterrupted supply of electricity is to ensure a level of investment that will meet the anticipated increase in demand for electricity. For many years now, Enea Operator has been consistently implementing the assumptions of the Development Plan. We have been building, rebuilding and modernising our infrastructure so as to be able to connect more and more Customers, including prosumers and electricity generators, to our network. Last year, we spent nearly PLN 2 billion on that purpose. We are prepared for the energy transition. Our investments have allowed us to connect thousands of renewable energy sources. We have been cooperating with local governments and the scientific community. In our work, we rely on virtual and augmented reality as well as artificial intelligence solutions. We have been building and testing energy storage facilities based on various technologies, and we have adjusted their configuration to the specifics of our network in different areas. We are a modern company which – through innovative solutions – designs the distribution network in the most optimal way, taking into account the local needs of all Customers.