ESG Report of the Enea Capital Group for 2023

Company’s business

GRI:[ ]
  • GRI 2-6,
  • I-M1

Our Group is made of specialised companies which together create our offering and help provide our Customers with comprehensive services. Major entities:

  • Enea SA (retail electricity sales),
  • Enea Operator (distribution of electricity),
  • Enea Wytwarzanie (generation and sales of electricity and generation, distribution and sales of heat),
  • Enea Elektrownia Połaniec (generation and sales of electricity and heat),
  • Enea Nowa Energia (generation and sales of electricity, development and exploitation of RES),
  • Enea Trading (electricity and fuel gas wholesale),
  • Enea Power&Gas Trading (electricity and fuel gas wholesale),
  • LW Bogdanka (mining and sales of coal),
  • Enea Ciepło (generation and sales of electricity and heat).

Our structure includes also companies that are direct or indirect subsidiaries of Enea SA and companies in which Enea SA has minority interest.

Specialisations of selected Enea Group companies

Enea Ciepło, Enea Elektrownia Połaniec, Enea Nowa Energia, Enea Wytwarzanie, Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła, Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej w Obornikach, PV Genowefa, PRO-WIND, PV Tykocin

Enea SA – retail, Enea Trading and Enea Power&Gas Trading – wholesale

Enea Operator

Enea Ciepło, Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła, Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej w Obornikach

Locations of hydroelectric power plants and their power
Where we operate:

Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka (LWB), a company owned by the Group, is one of Poland’s largest producers of bituminous coal, distinguished for its financial performance, mining efficiency and plans to develop new fields. The coal mined by LWB is used by the Enea Group’s generation companies.

Electricity end heat are generated in:

  • power plants – in Kozienice (eleven high-efficiency upgraded power units) and Połaniec (seven coal-fired units1) and one of the world’s largest biomass-only fired units),
  • CHP plants – in Białystok (three high-efficiency heat and electricity generating units, with one biomass-only fired unit) and in Piła,
  • heat plants – in Białystok (five water boilers, with one gas-fired, two coal-fired, two undergoing modernisation from coal-fired to gas and oil fired), in Piła and Oborniki,
  • wind farms – in Bardy, Darżyno and Baczyna (Lubno I and Lubno II),
  • 21 hydropower plants (on rivers: Brda, Wda, Gwda, Rega, Drawa, Myśla, Obra and Wełna),
  • photovoltaic farms (PV Jastrowie I, PV Likowo, PV Lubno I, PV Lubno II, PV FW Lubno I, PV Genowefa, PV Tarnów, PV Kapice Lipniki, PV Krzęcin 1, 2 and 7),
  • biogas plants – in Gorzesław and Liszkowo.

1) Połaniec Power Plant’s coal-fired unit was decommissioned as of 1 January 2024.


Enea Group’s generation assets

Item Installed electricity generation capacity [MWe]

Maximum electricity generation capacity [MWe]

Installed heat generation capacity [MWt] Installed RES capacity [MWe]
Kozienice Power Plant 4 071.8 4 004.01) 125.4
Połaniec Power Plant 1 879.0 1 899.0 130.0 230.0
Bardy, Darżyno and Baczyna (Lubno I and Lubno II) wind farms 71.6 70.1 71.6
Photovoltaic power plants: PV Jastrowie I, PV Likowo, PV Lubno I and PV Lubno II, PV Krzęcin 1,2 and 7, PV FW Lubno I, PV Tarnów, PV Kapice Lipniki, PV Genowefa, PV Darżyno2) 59.0 59.0 59.0
Liszkowo and Gorzesław biogas plants 3.8 3.8 3.1 3.8
Hydropower plants 58.8 55.8 58.8
MEC Piła 20.4 18.4 130.9
PEC Oborniki 27.4
Enea Ciepło (Białystok CHP, Zachód Heat Plant) 203.5 156.6 684.13) 78.5
Total 6 367.9 6 266.7 1 100.9 501.7

1) Decline of the maximum electricity generation capacity of unit 6 from 228 MW to 225 MW following the lowering of the maximum allowed pressure in the turbine wheel compartment.
2) The 2 MW PV Darżyno is now being commissioned. Once the licence is granted, the total installed capacity of the photovoltaic farms will be 61.0 MWe.
3) Including the 18.7 MWt Heat Recovery System in the Białystok Power Plant.

Electricity is distributed mainly by Enea Operator, which is a power distribution system operator, responsible for ensuring energy security, i.e. stable and reliable supply of quality electricity in high, medium and low voltage grids. The company also performs RES connections.  Enea Operator is present in six provinces, covering over 58 thousand square kilometres with its services (20 percent of the country’s area).

Retail sales of electricity are carried out by Enea SA (through account managers and trade partners across Poland) and by Enea Centrum, a company operating on behalf of Enea SA, with 31 modern Customer Service Centres, a Showroom, a mobile Customer Service Centre (mBOK) and an Electronic Customer Service Centre (eBOK). In total, Enea SA delivers products and services to 2.7 million Customers.

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