ESG Report of the Enea Capital Group for 2023

Enea Capital Group

GRI:[ ]
  • GRI 2-1

The parent company in the Enea Capital Group is Enea SA.  Its majority shareholder is the State Treasury, with 52.29 percent of shares in the share capital in 2023.

Structure of the Enea Group as at 31 December 2023

1) Ruling on discontinuation of the bankruptcy proceedings/the company does not engage in an economic activity.

Major changes in the Enea Group’s structure in 2023

3 January 2023 – Extraordinary General Meeting of Enea Połaniec Serwis (target company), which resolved to combine the company with Enea Elektrownia Połaniec (acquirer). The merger was carried out under a simplified procedure, i.e. under article 516 of the Code of Commercial Companies. The Companies merged on 16 January 2023.

4 January 2023 – Enea SA established a limited liability company – EN202 – with its registered office in Poznań, with a share capital of PLN 70 000.00, divided into 100 shares with a face value of PLN 700.00 each. The shares were fully paid up with cash and all of them were subscribed by Enea SA. On 5 January 2023, EN202 was entered in the National Court Register. The company was established to deliver a photovoltaic project.

4 January 2023 – Enea SA established a limited liability company – EN101 – with its registered office in Poznań, with a share capital of PLN 70 000.00, divided into 100 shares with a face value of PLN 700.00 each. The shares were fully paid up with cash and all of them were subscribed by Enea SA. On 9 January 2023, EN101 was entered in the National Court Register. The company was established to deliver a photovoltaic project.

28 February 2023 – Enea Innowacje sold one share in ENEBIOGAZ 1 with a face value of PLN 50.00 (for the price of PLN 50.00) and one share in ENEBIOGAZ 2 with a face value of PLN 50.00 (for the price of 50.00) to Enea Nowa Energia which with the purchase became the only shareholder in ENEBIOGAZ 1 and ENEBIOGAZ 2.

23 August 2023 – Enea SA acquired 100% of shares in PRO-WIND, which had an operating 10 MW photovoltaic farm Tarnów, and 100% of shares in PV Tykocin, which had an operating 2 MW photovoltaic farm Tykocin. To acquire the shares in PRO-WIND, in August 2023. Enea SA and PRO-WIND entered into a PLN 17.5 million loan agreement.

7 September 2023 – Enea Nowa Energia acquired from OX2 Holding Poland 100% of shares in Farma Wiatrowa Bejsce – owner of a 19,8 MW wind farm. The farm is located in Świętokrzyskie province. It is now under construction and is set to be commissioned in 2025. The company acquired in the transaction had a contract to build the farm. Total cost of the transaction until the wind farm starts operations is EUR 57 420 000.

7 September 2023 – Extraordinary General Meeting of Farma Wiatrowa Bejsce increased the company’s share capital by PLN 7 732 600.00, i.e. from PLN 10 000.00 to PLN 7 742 600.00, through creating 154 652 new shares with a face value of PLN 50.00 each and the total value of PLN 7 732 600.00. All shares in the increased share capital were subscribed by Enea Nowa Energia for a cash contribution. The capital increase was registered in the National Court Register on 20 December 2023.

20 September 2023 – Enea SA acquired 100% of shares in PV Genowefa, owner of a 35 MW photovoltaic farm Genowefa. The farm is located in Wielkopolskie province.

Other changes in the structure of the Enea Capital Group can be found in the Management Board Report on the Activity of ENEA S.A. and the ENEA Capital Group in 2023.

Enea SA’s shareholding structure as at 31 December 2023

Shareholder Number of shares/votes at the General Meeting Interest in the share capital/share in the total number of votes
State Treasury 277 015 422 52.29%
Others 252 715 671 47.71%
TOTAL 529 731 093 100.00%
Enea SA’s share prices

Enea SA’s shares have been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange since 17 November 2008. In 2023 r. Enea SA’s share prices rose from PLN 6.00 to PLN 9,17, i.e. by PLN 3.17 (as much as 52.8%.). Enea SA recorded its 2023 highest closing price of PLN 9.38 on 7 December, and lowest of PLN 5.82 on 10 January.

Enea SA share growth in 2023
Top rate in 2023
Lowest rate in 2023

Data for 2023
Number of shares 529 731 093
Closing price – lowest [PLN] 5.82
Closing price – highest [PLN] 9.38
Share price at the end of the period [PLN] 9.17
Share price at the end of the previous period [PLN] 6.00
Average volume 664 420

Share of indices as at 31 December 2023:

WIG 30 mWIG40 WIG energia WIG Poland WIG ESG
0.6 2.6 14.0 0.6 9.17

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