ESG Report of the Enea Capital Group for 2023

Financial performance

Enea Group’s key operating figures and metrics

* Presentation change in accordance with the consolidated financial statements for 2022
** Definitions of metrics provided in Glossary of terms and abbreviations
*** Numerator, i.e. net profit (loss) for the reporting period is annualised.

Unit 20211) 2022 2023 Change Change (%)
Revenue from sales and other income PLN '000 21 288 565 30 117 852 48 183 419 18 065 567 60.0%
EBITDA PLN '000 3 542 872 2 219 994 6 297 842 4 077 848 183.7%
EBIT PLN '000 1 973 462 578 240 955 679 377 439 65.3%
Net profit/(loss) for the reporting period PLN '000 1 805 167 118 920 (442 623) -561 543 -472.2%
Net profit/(loss) attributable to shareholders of the parent company PLN '000 1 690 874 45 304 (704 308) -749 612 -1 654.6%
Net cash flows from operating activities PLN '000 5 510 003 1 226 169 2 246 404 1 020 235 83.2%
CAPEX PLN '000 1 980 367 2 590 480 3 711 135 1 120 655 43.3%
Net debt PLN '000 2 729 088 3 839 226 5 338 362 1 499 136 39.0%
Net debt/EBITDA 2) 0.77 1.73 0,85 -0,88 -50.9%
Return on assets (ROA) 2)3) % 5.2% 0.3% -1.1% -1.4 p.p.
Return on equity (ROE) 2)3) % 11.9% 0.7% -2.9% -3.6 p.p.
Sales of electricity and fuel gas to retail Customers GWh 24 506 23 664 22 846 -818 -3.5%
Number of Customers (Power Delivery Points) ’000 2 615 2 681 2 715 34 1.3%
Sales of distribution services to end users GWh 20 336 20 313 20 040 -273 -1.3%
Number of Customers (closing balance) ’000 2 703 2 753 2 792 39 1.4%
Total net generation of electricity: GWh 26 393 26 214 21 344 -4 870 -18.6%
conventional sources GWh 23 978 24 265 19 060 -5 205 -21.5%
renewable sources GWh 2 415 1 949 2 284 335 17.2%
Gross heat generation TJ 8 011 7 861 7 369 -492 -6.3%
Sales of electricity, including: GWh 30 745 29 463 25 827 -3 636 -12.3%
conventional sources GWh 23 978 24 265 19 060 -5 205 -21.5%
renewable sources GWh 2 415 1 949 2 284 335 17.2%
purchases GWh 4 352 3 249 4 483 1 234 38.0%
Sales of heat TJ 7 209 7 116 6 598 -518 -7.3%
Net production ’000 tonnes 9 935 8 401 7 053 -1 348 -16.0%
Sales of coal ’000 tonnes 10 036 8 400 6 703 -1 697 -20.2%
Inventories at the end of the period ’000 tonnes 21 22 371 349 1 586.4%
Excavation works km 23.2 32.8 29.67 -3.13 -9.5%

* Presentation change in accordance with the consolidated financial statements for 2022
** Definitions of metrics provided in Glossary of terms and abbreviations
*** Numerator, i.e. net profit (loss) for the reporting period is annualised.

Financial performance by Enea Group’s segments

[PLN ‘000]
20211) 2022 2023 Change Change %
[1] [2] [3] [3-2] [3-2]/[2]
Trading -241 526 -76 000 -29 850 46 150 60.7%
Distribution 1 392 928 1 328 696 1 821 851 493 155 37.1%
Distribution 1 602 468 310 209 3 605 484 3 295 275 1 062.3%
Mining 821 358 610 600 1 326 430 715 830 117.2%
Other activities 107 775 134 615 126 015 -8 600 -6.4%
Unassigned items and exclusions -140 131 -88 126 -552 088 -463 962 -526.5%
Total Enea Capital Group 3 542 872 2 219 994 6 297 842 4 077 848 183.7%

1) Presentation change in accordance with the consolidated financial statements for 2022.


Sales revenues and other income 2021 - 2023 [PLN ‘000]

Sales revenues and other income 2021 – 2023 [PLN ‘000] 2021 2022 2023 Change Change %
[1] [2] [3] [3-2] [3-2]/[2]
Trading 11 206 560 17 437 443 28 339 907 10 902 463 62.5%
Distribution 3 279 524 3 614 801 5 509 992 1 895 191 52.4%
Generation 10 199 431 14 648 855 26 166 078 11 517 223 78.6%
Mining 2 449 230 2 451 684 3 939 289 1 487 605 60.7%
Other activities 502 583 602 498 654 129 51 632 8.6%
Unassigned items and exclusions -6 348 763 -8 637 429 -16 425 976 -7 788 547 90.2%
Total Enea Capital Group 21 288 565 30 117 852 48 183 419 18 065 567 60.0%

For more information on our financial performance see the Consolidated Financial Statements of the ENEA Capital Group for the financial year ended 31 December 2023 and the Management Board Report on the Activity of ENEA S.A. and the ENEA Capital Group in 2023.

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