GRI 2-22
Dear Stakeholders, Ladies and Gentlemen,
In the Enea Group 2023 ESG Report, we provide an account of how we address important social challenges. The world around us changes rapidly and new needs constantly arise. We are an important element of the national power system and market, ensuring comfort and security of millions of Poles and operation of many places of work. For this reason, we must respond to expectations as they arise and consistently pursue our global projects with a lasting impact. We believe that the Enea Group, as a socially engaged and responsible entity, can set trends and directions for growth.
As a Group, we continue on a pathway to sustainable development. We steadily adjust areas that require changes and implement new projects, ensuring that the needs of the natural environment, social progress and economic growth are taken into consideration. We invest in promising technologies and environmentally-friendly solutions. Our future is green. We want to be a net zero company that generates energy from renewable sources. We support the achievement of UN Sustainable Development Goals. We specifically contribute to the achievement of Goals 7, 8 and 9 (Affordable and clean energy, Decent work and economic growth, and Industries, innovation and infrastructure), which are closely linked to our line of business.
In 2023, a major ESG achievement was the adoption of the ENEA Capital Group Climate Policy, which identifies the impact our companies have on the environment and outlines the management mechanisms that ensure respect for natural resources. We have identified key tasks to help us limit global warming and adapt to climate change.

Gradually, we limit our organisation’s impact on the environment – we lower our emissions, reduce the amount of waste generated from our activities and embrace circular economy principles. We enhance the environmental awareness of our Employees and deliver climate education to the local communities in which our companies and Employees operate.
We believe that technological development will help us gain unlimited access to clean energy from reliable sources. We have already started tests on energy storage facilities. We check the capabilities and the potential of small modular reactors and hydrogen and hybrid technologies. We develop new renewable energy concepts and participate in the development of electromobility and automation of operating and production processes. We take an interest in Smart Cities and AI that supports and streamlines technological projects. The vast potential that we have will bring benefits to the environment, the community and our stakeholders.
We balance our technocratic and business approach with a symbiosis with the natural environment. In 2023, the Enea Group increased its RES generation potential by 53 MW, mainly through photovoltaic farms. Compared with 2022, we generated over 17 percent more energy from renewable sources. We worked with energy clusters and supported hydrogen valley scientific research and projects. We have started tests and we have been looking into the potential of equipment that optimises the work and efficiency of photovoltaic systems that track the sun.
The Group has been developing a RES management IT system and solutions to increase the efficiency of prosumer systems. We invest to transform the distribution network into a Smart Grid, i.e. a network tailored to the needs of the emerging distributed sources and supporting optimal, efficient and sustainable use of electricity by the consumers. In 2023, over 10 percent of Enea Operator’s energy was generated from renewable sources. What is more, the development of new infrastructure, delivery of large investment projects and modernisation enhances the operation of the grid and creates more possibilities for connecting new RES systems and ensuring their effective work.
The Enea Group embraces digital transformation to bring new products and services to the market. The latest means of communication have helped us enhance our contact with Customers and our Customer service and define new models of collaboration. This is a promising trend – it helps us offer products that support the use of renewable energy and improve the energy efficiency of homes and businesses. We plan to introduce special tariffs to encourage our Customers to use environmentally-friendly heating and to promote electromobility.
In all our locations we support the development of the regional social infrastructure and help cities, municipalities and counties thrive. It is our privilege to support local initiatives and work with organisations representing local communities. As much as we can we seek to cater for the educational, recreational, health and environmental needs. We support modern technical education and promote energy professions. Our work with schools and higher education institutions helps us build an image of the Enea Group as an attractive place to work. We offer financial and non-financial aid and the assistance of our Employees. We are proud to see how many of our staff engage in volunteering and we offer our support – the projects have tens of thousands of beneficiaries. As far as social initiatives are concerned, it is hard not to mention the Enea Foundation which for many years has been engaging in multiple socially-relevant projects, such as bringing help to the people of Ukraine who have come to Poland after Russia’s invasion.
The Enea Group ensures transparent communication with internal and external stakeholders. We maintain an open dialogue with our staff and communities. We fully respect the rights of our Employees and we provide them with all forms of support and the right conditions to thrive. We are a team of open-minded people who understand the needs and outlooks of the modern world and the challenges ahead. This gives us a lot of satisfaction and helps us look into the future with optimism.
I am pleased to share with you this Enea Group 2023 ESG Report and I would like to invite you to join our Group’s action for sustainable development to build a better future for the next generations.