ESG Report of the Enea Capital Group for 2023


Abbreviation/term Definition
AED Automated external defibrillator; rescue device designed to restore heartbeat after a sudden cardiac arrest
Agrivoltaics Concept involving the simultaneous use of the same area of land for agricultural production (primary use) and generation of electricity using photovoltaic installations (secondary use)
ASD Autism spectrum disorder
BAT Best Available Techniques; a document drawing conclusions on best available techniques for the installations concerned and indicating the emission levels associated with the best available techniques
BDO Database on products, packaging and waste management; IT system for recording and monitoring waste in Poland
Biomass Energy-containing material formed from organic matter such as plant and animal waste and residues
OHS Workplace health and safety
CAPEX Capital expenditures on property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and right-to-use asset
CDS (Clean dark spread) Difference between revenue from sales of electricity produced and the variable costs related to production of that electricity (unit CO2 cost and unit cost of coal including transportation)
UN Sustainable Development Goals The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – a world improvement plan adopted by the member states of the United Nations, which covers climate, environmental, social and economic issues. Among others, SDGs call for endeavours to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, they aim to preserve environmental diversity, guarantee human rights and eliminate poverty.
CO2 Carbon dioxide
Compliance Assurance of compliance of the organisation’s activities with the applicable law and internal regulations.
COSO The Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission – a US-based private sector organisation. According to COSO, auditors and internal inspectors monitor and issue opinions on a company’s internal controls and impartially verify compliance with them.
cPPA Corporate Power Purchase Agreement; long-term contracts for the purchase of electricity generated using a specific renewable source, entered into directly between a power producer and an industrial enterprise that is usually a major Consumer of electricity
  • Corporate Social Responsibility. Responsibility of an organisation for the impact exerted by its decisions and actions on society and the environment; it is ensured by transparent and ethical conduct, which:
  • contributes to sustainable development, including wellbeing and health of the society,
  • takes stakeholder expectations into account,
  • complies with the applicable law and is consistent with international standards of conduct,
  • is integrated with the organisation’s activities and is practiced in its relations.
IED Directive 2010/75/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 November 2010 concerning industrial emissions. It tightens the standards for emissions of sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxides and dust from combustion plants.
EBI European Investment Bank
EBIT Operating profit (loss)
EBITDA Operating profit (loss) + depreciation and amortisation + impairment losses (reversal thereof) on non-financial non-current assets
Employer branding Activities taken by a company to build its image as an attractive employer
Energy Lending Policy Policy adopted by the European Investment Bank to lay down criteria and guidelines for financing energy projects. The policy aims to support the transition to a low-carbon economy, improve the security of energy supplies and promote energy efficiency and renewable energy sources. The EIB is committed to financing projects that are consistent with the European Union’s climate and energy goals.
EEA European Economic Area; area of free trade and common market, comprising the countries of the European Union and the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), except Switzerland (i.e. consisting of EU countries + Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein)
ERM Enterprise Risk Management
ESG Set of issues related to business sustainability. The abbreviation ESG refers to the three fundamental sustainability pillars: environment (E), society (S) and governance (G). ESG issues currently serve as the primary point of reference for non-financial business reporting.
ESMA European Securities and Markets Authority
ESRS European Sustainability Reporting Standards; collection of standards aimed at harmonising the manner of reporting by companies covered by the CSRD on their environmental, social and governance activities. The purpose of ESRS is to improve the transparency and comparability of sustainability data.
EUA EU Emission Allowance – emission allowance under the European Emissions Trading System
CP Coal-fired power plant
FDIR Fault Detection, Isolation, Restoration – a system enabling automatic detection of faults, isolation of the damage site and restoration of power supply.
Gender Pay Gap Difference in average earnings between male and female staff, usually expressed as the ratio of average female to male earnings
GHG Protocol Greenhouse Gas Protocol; it provides standards, guidelines, tools and training for companies and governments to measure and manage GHG emissions. The GHG Protocol establishes a framework for the stocktaking of emissions, enabling organisations to identify their primary operating sources of emissions, monitor progress in reducing emissions and ensure transparent reporting.
Circular economy Concept in which products, materials and commodities remain in the economy for as long as possible, whereas waste, if created, is treated as a secondary resource.
GPZ Main Supply Point; transformer station to which medium- and high-voltage overhead lines are connected. The point at which electricity is supplied from a higher voltage level to a local distribution network of lower voltage. A GPZ acts as an intermediary in the transmission of electricity, enabling its conversion (via transformers) to voltage levels suitable for end users such as households, businesses and institutions.
Greenfield An investment project carried out from scratch on an undeveloped area, which allows for free planning and erecting a structure, production plant, office or other facility according to the specific requirements of the project.
GRI Global Reporting Initiative; international organisation developing broadly applied sustainability reporting standards that enable organisations to measure and communicate their economic, environmental and social impacts.
GWh Gigawatt-hour
Horizon 2020 EU’s largest research and innovation funding programme being implemented in the 2014-2020 financial framework with a budget of nearly EUR 80 billion. The successor to Horizon 2020 in the 2021-2027 financial framework is Horizon Europe.
HR Human resources
Stakeholder A person or group of persons interested in decisions or activities of an organisation. A stakeholder is anyone who influences an organisation or is influenced by it.
Internet of Things (IoT) Network of interconnected physical devices fitted with sensors, software and other technologies to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet.
FGD Flue gas desulphurisation and heavy metal reduction installation.
IT Information Technology. Computer hardware and software as well as tools and other techniques related to the collection, processing, transmission, storage, protection and presentation of information.
CMU Capacity Market Unit
KGW Rural Women’s Association
Cogeneration A technological process of simultaneous generation of electricity and useful thermal energy in a CHP plant
KPI Key Performance Indicator; tool for measuring the degree to which key business objectives or process performance in an organisation are being met.
KSE Polish Power System; a set of equipment designed for the generation, transmission, distribution, storage and use of electricity, functionally connected to each other in a system enabling the realisation of electricity supply on the territory of the country in a continuous and uninterrupted way.
kV Kilovolt
SDC Sustainable Development Criteria System Book
LWB Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka
Supply chain A sequence of actions or parties supplying products or services to an organisation.
Value Chain A sequence of actions taken by a company to develop, create, sell and deliver a product or service and then provide after-sales services.
Location-based method A method of estimating Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions which uses the average emission intensity in a given geographic region.
Mg Megagram or metric ton
MMR Micro Modular Reactor; nuclear reactor with a capacity of up to 20 MWt, featuring a modular design, small size, high level of safety and rapid deployment. MMRs offer an alternative to traditional large nuclear power plants, enabling a more flexible and decentralised approach to nuclear power generation.
Mobbing Bullying, persistent harassment and intimidation, psychological violence against a subordinate or co-worker in the workplace.
COSO I model Original internal control model developed by the Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission. The model consists of 5 components that form the basis of an effective internal control system in an organisation: control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, monitoring.
COSO II model Updated internal control model developed by the Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission. The model focuses on 20 key principles grouped into 5 components and places greater emphasis on risk management and the integration of internal control with management processes.
MWe Megawatt of electrical power
MWh Megawatt-hour (1 GWh = 1,000 MWh)
MWt Megawatt of thermal power
NABE (Narodowa Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Energetycznego) National Energy Security Agency; the concept assuming the acquisition by the State Treasury of all assets related to the generation of electricity in hard coal and lignite-fired power plants, allocated from Energy Groups (PGE, TAURON, Enea and ENERGA), and their consolidation around PGE GiEK, which will change its name to NABE.
Nm3 Normalised cubic meter of gas, i.e. the number of cubic meters that the gas would occupy in normal conditions.
LV Low voltage grid supplying individual users with 50 Hz alternating current at 230 V phase voltage.
NOx nitrogen oxides
CO Capacity obligation; commitment by a power supplier to remain available during the supply period to supply electricity of a specified capacity to the system through a capacity market unit and to supply electricity of a specified capacity to the system during emergency periods.
Transmission System Operator (TSO) Polskie Sieci Elektroenergetyczne S.A., a company wholly-owned by the State Treasury, which owns highest voltage grids and therefore is the operator of the power transmission system.
Origination Enea Trading’s commercial activity involving predominantly the execution of non-standard purchases of electricity from generators other than direct participants of the wholesale market, obtained from renewable energy sources and other distributed sources, such as cogeneration plants, incineration plants and industrial plants. The electricity purchased by Enea Trading is then sold on the wholesale electricity market or is used by the Enea Group.
DSO Distribution System Operator
TSO Transmission System Operator
OTC Over The Counter; decentralised over-the-counter market without a supervisory institution, on which transactions are executed directly between counterparties and without the involvement of an intermediary. The prices and terms of transactions are negotiated on a case-by-case basis between the buyer and the seller.
RES Renewable energy sources
PKZP Employee savings and loans scheme
PN Polish Standard
Polygeneration Simultaneous combined generation of several types of energy (e.g., electricity, heat, cooling, process steam) in a single plant.
Paris Agreement Plan of action developed during the 21st United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris, the main purpose of which is to keep the increase in average global temperature well below 2°C, with a target of 1.5°C relative to the pre-industrial era.
Prop-Trading Enea Trading’s activity consisting of trading in contracts listed on commodity exchange markets on the company’s own account.
Prosumer A person who generates electricity from renewable energy sources for own needs using a micro-installation, capable of storing energy and transferring surplus energy to the power grid.
PSZW The only location permit for the erection and use of artificial islands, structures and devices for offshore wind farms. It specifies the boundaries of the body of water that can be used for the development and operation of offshore wind farms and defines all the elements that are part of an offshore wind farm that can be located in that marine area.
EP Environmental policy
PV Photovoltaics
Employee Council The Employee representation body established by the Act of 7 April 2006 on providing information to and consulting with Employees (Journal of Laws 2006 No. 79 Item 550). Employee Councils should be set up by employers conducting business activity and employing at least 50 persons. This obligation does not apply inter alia to employers that are subject to the provisions of the Act and that signed, by 24 May 2006, an agreement with Employee representatives ensuring the conditions of providing information to and consulting with Employees which are at least equivalent to the conditions required under the Act.
ALC Report Document submitted by operators of plants covered by the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). It contains information on the level of activity and greenhouse gas emissions of the given plant.
RDF Refuse Derived Fuel; fuel produced from waste with a high calorific value.
R&D&I Research – Development – Innovation
REPowerEU The European Commission’s plan to decouple Europe from Russian fossil fuels by 2030
SAIDI System Average Interruption Duration Index; index of the system average duration of a long and very long interruptions (expressed in minutes per Customer).
SAIFI System Average Interruption Frequency Index; indicator of the system average frequency of long interruptions in energy supply (expressed in the number of interruptions per Customer).
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition; IT system overseeing the progress of a technological or production process. Its key features include the collection of current data (measurements), visualisation, process control, alarming and archiving.
ALS Automatic load-shedding
SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) Catalytic flue gas denitrification installation; it operates based on the principle of reduction of nitrogen oxides to atmospheric nitrogen on the surface of a catalyst, using substances containing ammonia.
SF6 Sulphur hexafluoride
Smart Cities Urban development concept using advanced information and communication technologies to increase operational efficiency, improve the quality of life for residents and manage urban resources in a sustainable manner. In smart cities, systems such as traffic management, street lighting, utilities and public safety are integrated and automated, enabling optimisation of urban functioning and real-time response to residents’ needs.
Smart Grid Smart electrical grids which feature communication between all the participants on the energy market in order to supply energy services at lower costs, enhance efficiency and integrate dispersed energy sources, including renewable energy sources.
SMR Small Modular Reactors with a capacity of no more than 300 MW. SMRs can be available in a variety of process configurations, including light-water or high-temperature reactors, offering adaptability to a wide range of applications – from electricity and heat production to advanced industrial processes such as hydrogen production and water desalination. Their compact design makes them suitable for installation in a variety of locations, even where energy infrastructure is limited.
MV Medium voltage grid in which the phase-to-phase voltage ranges from 1 kV to 60 kV.
SO2 Sulphur dioxide
Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ability of machines to demonstrate human skills, such as reasoning, learning, planning and creativity. The area of knowledge that includes but is not limited to neural networks, robotics, creation of models of intelligent behaviour and computer programmes that simulate such behaviour, also including machine learning, deep learning and reinforcement learning.
EU Taxonomy Regulation (EU) 2020/852 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 18 June 2020 on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment.
TCFD Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures; initiative aimed at promoting transparency in corporate disclosures of financial information related to climate change in order to better understand the financial risks arising from climate change. TCFD recommends disclosures in four key areas: corporate governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets.
Trackers Special structures that enable photovoltaic panels to „track” the sun, thereby allowing more energy to be obtained from the installed capacity.
TWh Terawatt-hour
UNAP United Nations Association Poland; it carries out projects to support and spread awareness of the United Nations (UN) and Poland’s role in the organisation. UNAP runs programmes on sustainability and Agenda 2030, social and civic activism, education and engagement of young people, human rights and democracy.
CBPs Combustion byproducts; mineral substances resulting from the combustion of coal and lignite in power plants and CHP plants.
ERO (Urząd Regulacji Energetyki) Energy Regulatory Office
HV High voltage grid; electric power transmission grid in which the phase-to-phase voltage ranges from 60 to 200 kV (in Poland: 110 kV). This grid is used to transmit electricity over large distances.
WSA Provincial Administrative Court
Scope 1 Direct CO2 emissions resulting from fuel combustion in stationary or mobile sources owned by an organisation or under its control, emissions resulting from manufacturing or processing or fugitive emissions of coolants.
Scope 2 Electricity indirect CO2 emissions resulting from the generation of consumed electricity, heat, processing steam and cooling, purchased or supplied from outside.
Scope 3 Other indirect CO2 emissions created in the company’s entire value chain, e.g. in the production of raw materials, semi-finished products, management of waste, transportation of raw materials and products, business travel of Employees or the end use of products.
Sustainable Development Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs and considers the expectations of the surrounding communities and societal, environmental and economic challenges. It enables permanent increase of the value of an organisation and rational management of resources.
Internal Collective Bargaining Agreement An agreement between an employer and trade unions which defines, among others, duties of the employer towards Employees and guaranteed Employee rights.

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