GRI 3-3,
In 2023, the Enea Group started a comprehensive inventory to report complete data on greenhouse gas emissions in line with GHG Protocol1). We gathered and reported Scope 1 and 2 data, and Scope 3 data in selected categories. In some Enea Group’s companies, the inventory of 2023 data consisted in increasing the scope and level of calculations of CO₂-equivalent emissions compared to previous years and accounting for the supply chain data in more detail. We focused on verifying the movement of raw materials between Enea Group’s companies. In our computations, we did not include Farma Wiatrowa Bejsce sp. z o.o., which has not yet started production operations.
1) The Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard Revised Edition and Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Accounting and Reporting Standard
We calculated 2023 emissions in the following GHG Protocol scopes:
Scope 1 – direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by Enea Group, i.e. emissions from combustion of fuels in installations and vehicles, fugitive emissions, emissions from leakage of refrigerants.
Scope 2 – indirect third-party emissions as a result of the generation of: electricity, heat, cooling and process steam purchased by the Enea Group.
Scope 3 – other indirect emissions not covered by Scope 2.
In the process of calculating emissions, we gathered information, documents and data on the company operations and on the identified emission sources, we identified the organisational boundaries and the resulting operational boundaries of Scopes 1, 2 and 3 inventories, and we analysed and categorised emission sources by emitter type and scope.
In addition, for the identified emission sources, we selected appropriate emission calculation methodologies and GHG emission factors. We identified the organisational boundaries of the Enea Group for the purposes the GHG inventory, using the operational control method, in which a company accounts for 100 percent of emissions from operations over which it has control, or does not account for emissions at all, if it does not have control over a process. To simplify the collection and analysis of emissions data, we have divided the Group’s companies (covered by the GHG emissions inventory) into four business areas:
- Enea SA,
- Enea Operator,
- Enea Pomiary,
- Enea Serwis,
- Enea Trading,
- Enea Centrum,
- Enea Oświetlenie,
- Enea Bioenergia,
- Enea Power&Gas Trading,
- Enea Innowacje.
- Enea Elektrownia Połaniec,
- Enea Wytwarzanie,
- Przedsiębiorstwo Energetyki Cieplnej w Obornikach,
- Enea Ciepło,
- Enea Nowa Energia,
- PV Tykocin,
- PV Genowefa,
- Miejska Energetyka Cieplna Piła.
- LW Bogdanka Capital Group.
- Enea Logistyka.
GRI 305-1,
GRI 305-2,
GRI 305-3,
Greenhouse gas emissions in the Enea Group in 2023
1) LW Bogdanka Capital Group calculated its emissions and provided the data to the statement. The data about movements between the Enea Capital Group’s companies provided by the LW Bogdanka Capital Group was not verified. The data represents emissions of the LW Bogdanka Capital Group.
Biogenic CO2 emissions in the Enea Group in 2023
1) LW Bogdanka Capital Group calculated its emissions and provided the data to the statement. The data about movements between the Enea Capital Group’s companies provided by the LW Bogdanka Capital Group was not verified. The data represents emissions of the LW Bogdanka Capital Group.
CO₂ emissions by individual Enea Group Generation units
1) The emission indicator is calculated into the total gross production of electricity and gross production of heat.
GRI 305-4,
Intensity of greenhouse gas emissions from Enea Group’s Generation units
1) CO₂ emissions related to electricity generation to total gross electricity generation. The calculations for the power plants in Kozienice and Połaniec are based on total CO₂ emissions from sources that generate only electricity or cogenerate electricity and trace quantities of heat, because in the latter type, emissions cannot be broken down into individual energy types. The data for MEC Piła and Enea Ciepło presents only direct CO₂ emissions from the generation of electricity, i.e. without emissions from generation of heat. Unit emissions for 2020 and 2021 were adjusted once more precise data for MEC Piła and Enea Ciepło became available.