GRI 3-3,
We want to increase the energy efficiency across our value chain. Increasing efficiency – through reducing or not increasing fuel and energy use – is one of the main provisions of ENEA Capital Group Climate Policy. To this end, we want to work with business and social partners and reach for innovative technologies. We know how important Customers’ routines and habits are for the efficiency and we initiate and join projects that emphasise how important it is to save energy.
We see opportunities in climate change, e.g. for more effective use of energy and thus for saving money, and for reducing distribution losses.
At the group-level, we follow the ENEA Group Energy Efficiency Policy and: inform our Customers about rational use of energy, implement comprehensive offers for individual and institutional Customers, reduce electricity and heat losses, streamline energy use and the energy and environmental characteristics of processed energy carriers. The Policy also assumes that we create new Customer needs and develop interconnected services and products outside the existing line of business.
Since 2019, the measures taken to increase energy efficiency are coordinated at the group-level by the Energy Efficiency Team responsible for:
- supporting analyses of feasibility and advisability of new energy efficiency measures or initiatives,
- participating in regular updates of the ENEA Group Energy Efficiency Policy,
- participating in issuing opinions on proposed legislation,
- co-developing a bonus system for proposed pro-efficiency measures.
GRI 302-1 ,
Consumption of electricity in the Enea Group in 2023
1) Real properties for which detailed electricity use data is not available (e.g. because the companies settle their accounts with administrators on a lump sum basis) and the network needs of Enea Operator have not been taken into account.
GRI 302-3
Enea Group’s electricity intensity in 2023
GRI 302-4