We have long been monitoring and taking measures to minimise our impact on the environment. We are aware that strict adherence to legal requirements and due diligence, do not fully eliminate the negative impact of mining and manufacturing on the environment. Therefore, we have put remedial and compensatory measures in place and we carry out projects to better understand the needs of local communities.
GRI 413-2
Potential negative impacts of our operations on local communities:
- restricted water access,
- destruction of biodiversity in places where mining and generating units are located,
- production of combustion waste (ash, slag),
- production of large quantities of mining waste,
- withdrawal and discharge of considerable quantities of water from the Vistula River for cooling purposes,
- subsidence of land caused by coal mining using the top coal caving method, which may lead to degradation of arable land,
- impact of the mining operations on water management (among others discharge of mineralised mine water to the Świnka River),
- impact of linear construction projects on the landscape of the neighbouring agricultural and forest areas,
- disruption of the morphological continuity of rivers through the use of damming of water for hydroelectric purposes,
- emission of dust and gas pollution from fuel combustion installations (Kozienice Power Plant, Połaniec Power Plant, Białystok CHP),
- transport-related impacts (exhaust fumes, noise, dust).
We ensure the safety of the neighbouring local communities. Our power plants have modern safeguards in place that significantly reduce the risk of major accidents. We keep the technical infrastructure of the Połaniec and Kozienice facilities in good condition at all times. We have procedures in place that guarantee the safe operation of the power plants and their facilities, such as procedures on the safe use of hazardous substances used on the premises, and they are strictly adhered to.

GRI 2-27,
GRI 307-1