ESG Report of the Enea Capital Group for 2023

Protection of biodiversity and landscape

  • E-A3

We want to and we know how to manage natural resources sustainably and efficiently. We strive to maintain biodiversity and continuity of the ecological processes in our surroundings. We care about the well-being of animals and the environment and we wish to preserve the natural landscape of the area around us. If needed, we restore the right condition of natural habitats and other components of nature.

  • GRI 304-3,
  • GRI 304-1

We feel responsible for the neighbouring protected areas or those with special landscape qualities. Operating near national or landscape parks, lakes and rivers is a challenge, but also an opportunity to engage in measures to protect the unique natural environment. We take advantage of the opportunities that our value chain gives us and that arise from an inherent need to preserve nature.

LW Bogdanka’s performs its mining operations near the Natura 2000 areas, such as the Łęczna Lake District Landscape Park and Polesie Area of Protected Landscape as well as Chełm Area of Protected Landscape. The regions form a land and freshwater ecosystem whose habitats and birds must be protected. They are particularly valuable areas for biodiversity and comprise unique lakes, ponds, bogs and forests.

Enea Elektrownia Połaniec engages in environmentally friendly volunteering initiatives to protect nearby rivers and forests.

Enea Wytwarzanie, in the Kozienice municipality, is adjacent to the Natura 2000 area and its freshwater ecosystem.

Enea Nowa Energia carries out the generation activities on protected areas, such as the Drawa National Park, Protected Landscape Area of Koronowski Reservoir, Wda Landscape Park, Natura 2000 area in the Rega basin and Piła Sanctuary, and Wałcz Lake District and Gwda Valley Area of Protected Landscape. The hydropower plants located in the area operate with respect for the unique, local ecosystem, and the company works with organisations that support local wildlife and nature.

Enea Operator’s overhead power lines run through a national park and Natura 2000 areas which require special protection of birds and other animals as well as rare plant species.

Good practices of Enea Group’s companies – preserving the landscape and biodiversity

In 2023, Połaniec Power Plant initiated fish restocking in the Vistula River and started a new air quality monitoring station that has been incorporated into the National Air Monitoring Programme. Employee volunteers cleaned the Czarna River bank and planted six thousand beech seedlings in Rytwiany forests. The company held environmental responsibility training for Employees and hosted presentations for schools.

For many years, LW Bogdanka has been engaging in projects to protect cranes in the Łęczna–Włodawa Lake District. GPS trackers were attached to the birds, online cameras were installed in cranes’ habitats and a video transmission was held on YouTube and on social media. Moreover, together with the Bird Horizons Foundation, the company carried out a project to protect the black tern in the key Natura 2000 sanctuaries in the Lublin region. Four hundred breeding platforms were erected and a bird monitoring scheme started. In 2023, the company continued the development of artificial islands used for bird breeding in the Polesie National Park and actively protected rare synanthropic owls.

In 2023, Enea Nowa Energia worked with Szczecin’s Regional Directorate for Environmental Protection and the Drawa National Park to improve fish passage at the Kamienna hydropower plant at the weir in the Drawa River. A fish ladder and a guiding wall were built to improve the ladder’s efficiency. An observation tower was erected nearby for wildlife watching.

Enea Operator supported the construction of 93 stork nests and maintained platforms with nests on them. When birds are present, the company limits its operations and development projects that could jeopardise the well-being of the storks. In 2023, the company held an educational campaign for the Employees – Change your habits. Save energy – about recycling, clean water and national parks in the area of Enea Operator’s activities.

Since 2018, Enea Wytwarzanie has run a project to protect the habitats of the smooth snake, a protected species, and helped protect the peregrine falcon and the common kestrel – three breeding platforms were built and continue to be maintained. Enea Wytwarzanie carries out continuous environmental monitoring of the Kozienice Power Plant area. In 2023, the company held an academic conference about the protection of the European pond turtle in the Zwoleń County and the Kozienice forest and initiated printing of environmental publications, such as: The Green Face of the Kozienice Power Plant, Zwoleńka. The last wild river of South Mazowsze, Basia from the beaver pond and Falco.

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