ESG Report of the Enea Capital Group for 2023

Sustainability management in the Enea Group

  • GRI 2-9,
  • GRI 2-12,
  • GRI 2-13,
  • I-M2,
  • I-M3

The Management Board of Enea SA is in charge of creating, adopting and updating the mission, vision and values, as well as the strategies, policies and objectives related to the sustainable development of the Enea Group. The Development Strategy, which is our most important document, is first reviewed by the Strategy and Investment Committee of the Supervisory Board of Enea SA, and then finally approved by the Supervisory Board of Enea SA.

Operational management of sustainable development

In managing various tasks related to sustainable development, the Management Board of Enea SA benefits from the support of the company’s departments and the following Committees of the Enea Group:

  1. Enea Group Investment Committee – with regard to managing the property, plant and equipment as well as equity investments in the Enea Capital Group, and in particular in the Enea Group,
  2. Enea Group Management Committee – with regard to exercising corporate governance of subsidiaries,
  3. Enea Group Finance and IT Committee – with regard to making decisions on financial and IT management within the Enea Group,
  4. Enea Group Commerce and Promotion Committee – with regard to managing activities carried out in the areas of commerce, promotion and fuel trading,
  5. Enea Group Risk Committee – with regard to managing corporate risks, business continuity, compliance and insurance policy issues.

Our Committees issue recommendations for the Management Board of Enea SA or decide on matters specified in the Regulations of Enea Group Committees. Sustainability management at the subsidiary level is handled by respective internal units whose activities are overseen by the relevant Departments of Enea SA which – through the Management Divisions, i.e. formal communication channels – manage individual areas of the Enea Group’s operations.

Seven Management Divisions in the Enea Group:

Management Division Management Division
Security Management Division
  • process management, setting, implementation and improvement of standards as well as optimisation of costs related to security in the Enea Group and its subsidiaries.
Compliance and Legal Services Management Division
  • process management, setting, implementation and improvement of standards as well as optimisation of costs related to compliance and legal services in the Enea Group and its subsidiaries.
Procurement Management Division
  • setting standards for procurement in the Enea Group,
  • analysing procurement process management for the entire Enea Group,
  • optimising procurement processes in the Enea Group.
HR Management Division
  • support to the Management Board of Enea SA in making strategic decisions of key significance for the shaping and pursuit of the HR policy in the Enea Group,
  • increasing the effectiveness of HR management in the Enea Group,
  • improving HR communication in the Enea Group,
  • optimising the costs related to the deployment of new HR solutions in the Enea Group,
  • overseeing the standardisation of processes and consistency of deployed HR solutions.
Innovation Management Division
  • creating and developing principles (strategies) for the implementation of innovations and new technologies in the Enea Group,
  • coordinating activities aimed to include innovation and new technologies in the strategic documents of the Enea Group,
  • coordinating, supervising and monitoring the activities (projects, initiatives, activities) aimed to develop innovations and new technologies
  • that could be incorporated into the Enea Group’s business,
  • developing competences in the area of innovation and new technologies within the Enea Group,
  • improving cooperation in respect of innovation and new technologies within the Enea Group,
  • optimising expenditures and costs linked with innovation and new technologies in the Enea Group.
Communications Management Division
  • supporting Enea’s Management Board in making strategic decisions of key and long-term significance for the shaping of the Enea Group’s
  • image and communication policy within and without the organisation,
  • deploying a uniform method of communication management in the Enea Group,
  • developing communication-related competences in the Enea Group,
  • optimising the costs of communication in the Enea Group.
Sponsorship and Corporate Social Responsibility Management Division
  • wsparcie Zarządu Enea w podejmowaniu decyzji strategicznych, mających kluczowe i długofalowe znaczenie dla kształtowania wizerunku i
  • supporting Enea’s Management Board in making strategic decisions of key and long-term significance for the shaping of the Enea Group’s image and sponsorship policy as well as the corporate social responsibility activities taken within and without the organisation,
  • introducing a uniform management system for sponsorship and corporate social responsibility in the Enea Group,
  • developing sponsorship and corporate social responsibility competences in the Enea Group,
  • optimising the costs of purchasing promotional materials in the Enea Group.
  • GRI 2-17

In 2023 we continued our efforts to increase sustainability awareness among our management board members (in Enea SA and in our subsidiaries).

Audit and internal control

The Group’s Audit and Control Department is responsible for discharging the audit and internal control function and coordinating control activities conducted in the Group by external audit and regulatory authorities. This unit plays an important role in our internal control, risk management and compliance systems. It also monitors whether the recommendations issued as a result of completed audits and inspections have been followed. The effectiveness of adopting such recommendations is evaluated based on the effectiveness of the implemented corrective actions that rely on enterprise risk management standards under the COSO I and COSO I models.

Twice a year, the Director of the Audit and Control Department of the Group presents reports to the members of the Management Board of Enea SA, the directors of Enea SA departments and the members of the management boards of the Enea Group’s subsidiaries. These reports contain information on the status of implementing recommendations (including those that have been waived) and summarise the status of managerial objectives (achieved levels of key indicators).

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