Non-financial key performance indicators of Enea Group

1) Items from the consolidated statement of comprehensive income: taxes and charges, current tax.
2) Item from the consolidated statement of cash flows: dividends paid.
3) Number of all employment contracts in the Enea Group’s companies as at the last day of the year. Includes Employees with a temporary suspension of employment, i.e. on parental leaves, unpaid leaves above 30 days and those receiving rehabilitation benefits. The Employees on unpaid leave in one Group company and at the same time working for another company under an employment contract are shown twice.
4) In previous years Scope 3 emissions were calculated only for some of the Enea Group’s companies.
5) Ratio of total CO₂ emissions associated with electricity generation to total gross electricity generation. In the case of the power plants in Kozienice and Połaniec, the calculations are based on total CO₂ emissions for sources that generate only electricity or cogenerate electricity and trace quantities of heat (for methodology reasons, it was impossible to break down the data for the former type of plants). In the case of MEC Piła and Enea Ciepło, the presented data concern only CO₂ emissions related directly to the generation of electricity, i.e. they do not include emissions related to the generation of heat.
6) Total funds transferred by the Group’s companies to the Enea Foundation, the „Solidary Miners” Foundation and directly to other entities.
7) The value of funds transferred by the Group’s companies to the Enea Foundation in 2022 was adjusted after taking into account the data from the Financial Statements of the Enea Foundation for 2022, published on 31.03.2023.
8) No data available for the Employees of Enea Serwis’ subcontractors.
9) No data available concerning the Employees of RG Bogdanka and the Employees of subcontractors RG Bogdanka, MEC Piła and Enea Operator.
10) Balance as at the end of the reporting period.
11) The value reflects scheduled and unscheduled interruptions in electricity supply for high and medium voltages.