ESG Report of the Enea Capital Group for 2023

Ensuring equality and fostering diversity

  • GRI 3-3,
  • GRI 2-23,
  • GRI 2-24,
  • GRI 2-25 ,
  • S-M1,
  • G-M3

The Employees of the Enea Group can feel confident that they will be treated fairly and that all employment, remuneration and promotion criteria will be clear and straightforward. They can also expect opportunities for professional and personal development. We offer stable employment conditions and attractive fringe benefits. Mutual respect and appreciation of diversity are the pillars of the Group’s organisational culture. Our companies have unconditional respect for all Employee rights – in particular, the rights to equal treatment, rest, fair pay, freedom of association and privacy.

The Enea Group does not have a separate diversity policy, but we make every effort to account for the diversity of our Employees (e.g. resulting from experience, knowledge or interests) in our day-to-day procedures. Our Group adheres to the principles of equal treatment regardless of gender, age, financial status or political views. In this respect, we follow the guidelines contained in the Code of Ethics of the ENEA Group and the Code of Ethics of the Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka Capital Group, the collective bargaining agreements, policies against mobbing and discrimination and other unacceptable behaviours, and the principles of the Compliance Policy of the ENEA Group.

The Code of Ethics of the ENEA Group defines inter alia the following:
  • the principle of fair and equal treatment of the Employees and zero tolerance for discrimination: during recruitment, as part of our HR management and in everyday relations – both among our Employees of all levels and in contacts with the Customers,
  • actions and mechanisms to protect our Employees against unacceptable behaviour, including mobbing or discrimination,
  • treating every person with equal respect, regardless of their position, place of employment or seniority,
  • tolerance for others regardless of gender, age, disability, race, religion, nationality, political beliefs, trade union membership, ethnic origin, religion or sexual orientation,
  • respect for the rights, dignity and personal freedom of others.

In 2023, there were no women on the Management Board of Enea SA, and one woman was a member of Enea SA’s Supervisory Board. Nevertheless, the composition of the Management and Supervisory Boards changed at the beginning of 2024, and as at the date of publishing this report the share of women in the Management Board increased to 25 percent, and in the Supervisory Board – to 30 percent (thus meeting the Stock Exchange in Warsaw requirements in this case). It should be emphasised that the members of the company’s corporate bodies are nominated in line with the generally applicable provisions of law and the company’s Articles of Association, based on the recruitment documents submitted. The appointment of the members to the Management and Supervisory Boards of Enea SA is made by the authorised bodies of the company, taking into account the criteria such as gender, education, age and professional experience.

For more details, please refer to the section entitled: Employment in the Enea Group’s companies.


  • GRI 3-3 ,
  • S-M5

Equal pay

We observe the principle of equal pay for the same job. The table below presents the gender pay gap by Employee category for the Employees working under employment contracts in selected companies of our Group.

  • GRI 405-2

Gender pay gap1)
Employee group Enea Capital
Enea SA Enea Operator Enea Wytwarzanie Enea Elektrownia Połaniec Enea Nowa Energia Enea Trading LW Bogdanka
Employees under 30
Employees aged 30-50 110% 109% 116% 102% 90% 65%
Employees aged 50+ 104% 97% 124% 78% 91% 90%
Average pay of women/men 108% 106% 116% 89% 80% 90% 86%
Junior officers, i.e. managers and equivalent positions
Employees under 30 116% 82%
Employees aged 30-50 105% 98% 96% 89% 101% 114% 63% 68%
Employees aged 50+ 103% 98% 102% 79% 85% 106% 92% 64%
Average pay of women/men 103% 98% 99% 85% 88% 113% 69% 67%
Administrative staff
Employees under 30 83% 91% 88% 69% 83% 132% 102 99%
Employees aged 30-50 82% 88% 84% 77% 87% 93% 76% 85%
Employees aged 50+ 84% 82% 87% 69% 110% 128% 111% 72%
Average pay of women/men 80% 85% 83% 71% 88% 101% 82% 83%
Operational Employees
Employees under 30 95% 60% 93% 63%
Employees aged 30-50 85% 80% 80% 66% 51%
Employees aged 50+ 84% 72% 79% 58% 49% 69%
Average pay of women/men 85% 74% 92% 65% 57% 59%

1) Basic salary plus additional remuneration, such as work tenure, bonuses including cash bonuses, overtime, equivalents, paid from the payroll fund. The reported data concerns exclusively remuneration of Employees under employment contracts.
2) Data for the Enea Group, excluding the LWB Group.

  • GRI 2-21

In 2023, the ratio of the annual remuneration of the highest paid person to the median annual remuneration of all Employees at Enea SA was 3.45, and the ratio of annual salary growth equalled 0.6. This means that the median Employee renumeration grew faster than the renumeration of the highest paid person.

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