GRI 3-3,
GRI 2-23,
GRI 2-24,
GRI 2-25,
Our activities comply with the principles of ethics, we also respect human rights and legal regulations. Our Group has transparent procedures in place – they are clearly defined and enable reporting breaches either openly or anonymously. We make sure to follow up on all such reports.
The following generally recognised and established regulations on human rights have been our source of inspiration and have formed the foundations for the principles applied by the Enea Group:
- International Bill of Human Rights
- Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social And Cultural Rights.

The provisions of these documents are reflected in our internal regulations, our various initiatives and daily practices. On their grounds we have developed our most important documents, namely:
- The Code of Ethics of the ENEA Group which is a collection of principles of conduct and ethical values underlying our long-lasting and transparent relations with all stakeholders.
- The Code of Ethics of the Lubelski Węgiel Bogdanka Capital Group which constitutes a commitment to respect the dignity of the Employees and to maintain attitudes consistent with the applicable standards of law, organisational culture, communication and ethics.
- ENEA Group Compliance Policy which describes in particular the standards of compliance with the law, desired conduct of the Employees and key standards of ethics which take into account the Group’s interests and are an essential component of its corporate culture. The Policy outlines how legal or ethical issues should be cleared. It also provides basic information on how to report violations of legal or ethical principles in the Group and refers to the relevant regulations for detailed rules.
- Policy against mobbing, discrimination and other unacceptable conduct which describes unacceptable conduct, the procedures for reporting it and handling the reports, as well as preventive measures and the obligations of employers and Employees,
- Policy for reporting breaches and protecting whistleblowers in the ENEA Group which comprehensively regulates the matters associated with reporting potential violations. The policy ensures that any signals of actions that are not compliant with the applicable law or internal regulations or actions that are unethical will be received, thoroughly analysed and properly managed, and the person reporting them in good faith (the so-called whistleblower) will be protected.
- Compliance Policy of Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” S.A. and Procedure for Reporting Breaches in Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” S.A. which concern the broadly understood violations of regulations and ethical values and thus also – human rights.
The organisational units within the Enea Group which are in charge of implementing and supervising the implementation of regulations linked with respecting human rights.
GRI 2-26
All Employees are obligated to monitor their surroundings and check whether the standards linked with human rights are followed. Useful knowledge in that respect can be found on our publicly accessible website which features information and brochures concerning the Code of Ethics of the ENEA Group and the Group’s Compliance system. Our form for reporting violations (also anonymously and confidentially) can also be found on that website. All reports of violations are reviewed by the Enea Group’s Compliance Committee which annually reports to the Enea SA’s Management Board. In addition, most of the Group’s companies have appointed dedicated opinion leading teams that analyse information received on unacceptable behaviour in the workplace. These teams conduct objective and reliable investigations into the circumstances of all reported incidents and formulate recommendations.
GRI 406-1
In 2023, the anti-mobbing team at Enea Logistyka received one report of discrimination – the relevant investigation is still pending. Enea Nowa Energia set up an Anti-Mobbing Commission to investigate one report. The Commission’s work was still in progress at the end of 2023. Once completed, corrective actions adequate to the results of the investigation will be implemented in accordance with the applicable procedures.
Selected initiatives for human rights taken by the Enea Group in 2023 are described in the section bellow entitled: Selected HR initiatives carried out in 2023.