ESG Report of the Enea Capital Group for 2023

Employment in Enea Group’s companies

As at 31 December 2023, the Enea Group’s companies employed in total 18 227 persons under employment contracts, 460 of whom were working at Enea SA. .

The tables below, which present headcount data concerning the Enea Group, include the Employees with a temporary suspension of employment, i.e. on parental leaves, unpaid leaves above 30 days, and those receiving rehabilitation benefits. The Employees on unpaid leave in one Group company and at the same time working for another company under an employment contract are shown twice in the categories presented below.

  • GRI 2-7

Total number of individuals working under employment contracts Enea Group

18 227

Enea SA


full-time Employees – women 3 481 254
full-time Employees – men 14 683 198
part-time Employees – women 28 6
part-time Employees – men 35 2
working under employment contracts for an indefinite period – women 3 017 251
working under employment contracts for an indefinite period – men 13 019 186
other contract types (probationary period, fixed term, industrial placement, and replacement contracts) – women 492 9
other contract types (probationary period, fixed term, industrial placement, and replacement contracts) – men 1 699 14
  • GRI 2-8

Total number of persons providing services to Enea Group 2023
Women 217
Men 206
Total 423
  • GRI 405-1

Job categories – diversity by gender Enea Group Enea SA
senior management (i.e. members of Management Board and Supervisory Board) – women1) 35 1
senior management (i.e. members of Management Board and Supervisory Board) – men1) 139 12
directors – women 48 11
directors – men 177 20
junior managers – women2) 297 40
junior managers – men2) 997 35
operational Employees – women 320 0
operational Employees – men 9 813 0
administrative Employees – women 2 844 209
administrative Employees – men 3 731 145

1) Includes individuals working under management contracts and Employees appointed to supervisory boards.
2) Including head foremen and dispatchers.

Men and women working under employment contracts – by age Enea Group Enea SA
Employees aged under 30 – women 462 19
Employees aged under 30 – men 1 847 11
Employees aged 30-50 – women 2 229 213
Employees aged 30-50 – men 8 725 157
Employees aged 50+ – women 818 28
Employees aged 50+ – men 4 146 32

Employees fluctuation

  • GRI 401-1,
  • S-M6

Recruitment 2021 2022 2023
Total number of new hires working under employment contracts1) 1 010 1 152 2 162
of which women 219 337 594
of which men 791 815 1 568
Employees aged under 30 431 509 740
Employees aged 30-50 483 551 1 134
Employees aged 50+ 96 92 288
New Hiring Rate2) 5.80% 6.50% 11.86%


1) Number of Employees hired by Enea Group companies both though external and internal recruitment, as well as a result of acquisitions pursuant to Article 23 (1) of the Labour Code.
2) The ratio of new hires to total Employees.

including: Enea SA 2021 2022 2023
Total number of new hires working under employment contracts1) 41 64 72
of which women 22 34 34
of which men 19 30 38
Employees aged under 30 5 11 13
Employees aged 30-50 29 47 52
Employees aged 50+ 7 6 7
New Hiring Rate2) 10.00% 15.20% 15.65%

1) Number of Employees hired by Enea Group companies both though external and internal recruitment, as well as a result of acquisitions pursuant to Article 23 (1) of the Labour Code.
2) The ratio of new hires to total Employees.

Employees leaving Enea comanies 2021 2022 2023
Total number of leavers under employment contracts1) 1 019 1 023 1 295
of which women 204 202 327
of which men 815 821 968
Employees aged under 30 205 209 204
Employees aged 30-50 319 354 517
Employees aged 50+ 496 460 574
Employee turnover rate2) 5.80% 5.80% 7.10%

1) The number of leavers the year refers to the termination of employment cotracts and transfer between Enea Group companies pursuant to Article 23 (1) of the Labour Code.
2) The ratio of leavers to total Employees in Enea Group.

including: Enea SA 2021 2022 2023
Total number of leavers under employment contracts1) 41 53 33
of which women 18 22 17
of which men 23 31 16
Employees aged under 30 5 2 4
Employees aged 30-50 30 43 20
Employees aged 50+ 6 8 9
Employee turnover rate2) 10.00% 12.59% 7.17 %

1) The number of leavers the year refers to the termination of employment cotracts and transfer between Enea Group companies pursuant to Article 23 (1) of the Labour Code.
2) The ratio of leavers to total Employees in Enea Group.

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