ESG Report of the Enea Capital Group for 2023

Health promotion programmes

GRI:[ ]
  • GRI 3-3,
  • GRI 403-6

We realise how important it is to take action and improve the well-being and health of our Employees. We feel responsible for ensuring a friendly working environment. We promote active lifestyles and encourage our Employees and their families to participate actively in the events that we organise, such as preventive campaigns with access to advice, lectures on health, medical checkups and various sports challenges.

Enea SA ensures the Employees access to private medical services and health care. The Employees of some of our companies can take out medication insurance, also for their family members. LWB’s private medical care programme offers its Employees inter alia more comfortable medical care, shorter waiting times for appointments with specialists and a wide selection of diagnostic tests.

Health promotion initiatives in the Enea Group include:

  • encouraging Employees to take advantage of free specialist consultations and medical services as well as preventive programmes (checks, targeted packages of preventive examinations for women and men),
  • offering cancer insurance to interested Employees,
  • first aid training,
  • health screenings during company events, such as “Misja Profilaktyka” [Mission: Prevention] programme offers Enea’s Employees free medical checkups and consultations with a general practitioner, diabetologist, dermatologist, dietician and physiotherapist during the “Dzień Energetyka” [Power Engineer’s Day] event,
  • donating funds for hospital modernisations,
  • organisation of health promoting picnic events,
  • dance workshops for children and adults,
  • dance and acting workshops for children.

The health promoting campaigns are adapted to the character of Enea’s companies and the specific needs of their Employees. Our initiatives implemented in 2023 included:

  1. Misja Profilaktyka” [Mission: Prevention] which is a long-standing programme of the Enea Group. The aim of the project is to protect the health of our Employees and their loved ones, and to propagate knowledge about physical and mental health prevention. The preventive health care initiatives were continued in 2023. As part of the programme during the “Dzień Energetyka” [Power Engineer’s Day] event, the Employees working for Group’s companies were offered consultations with a general practitioner, diabetologist, dermatologist, dietician and physiotherapist – a total of 826 patients were examined.
  2. Enea Elektrownia Połaniec and Enea Bioenergia continued the „Enea dla kobiet” [Enea for Women] project: as part of the initiative, female Employees could take free tests (pap smear tests provided in a “test bus”, dietary consultations, analysis of body composition and BMI, workshops with a psychologist and cosmetologist) and participate in workshops on disease prevention, including early cancer detection.
  3. Enea Elektrownia Połaniec and Enea Bioenergia acceded to a new accord with the social stakeholder concerning a health care programme under which the company finances packages of additional medical services and provides support in the event of a serious chronic illness of an Employee.
  4. In 2023, Enea SA’s Employees took part in the programme of targeted preventive health checkups for women and men. The Employees also gained access to a medication insurance programme that reimburses even up to 80% of the costs of medicine purchase. Moreover, the Employees could use free 12-day preventive health care packages at the Energetyk Spa Hospital in Inowrocław. The Group also offered cancer insurance to the interested Employees.
  5. Enea Wytwarzanie financed flu vaccinations for all Employees and their family members willing to be inoculated, as well as for its retired Employees. During the “Dzień Energetyka” event Enea Wytwarzanie’s private health care provider offered basic examinations and free medical assistance to the Company’s retired Employees.
  6. As part of its annual Safety Days event, LWB organised Days for Health. In 2023, LWB’s Employees were offered specialist consultations: of a radiologist (USG scans), nutritionist and a physiotherapist. Tests for cancer markers were conducted as well.
  7. LWB is dedicated to disease prevention and health promotion. In 2023, the company in cooperation with the Provincial Centre for Occupational Medicine, held a birthmarks and skin moles examination day at its headquarters. The event was arranged as part of the Skin Cancer Prevention Programmes for Residents of the Lublin Province for 2022–2026 and over one hundred Employees took part in it.

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