ESG Report of the Enea Capital Group for 2023
  • GRI 3-3,
  • GRI 403-1,
  • S-A1

We create safe workplaces and strive to minimise the risk of accidents and occupational diseases. We inform our Employees about the potential risks, procedures to be followed should the risks materialise, and the preventive actions. The Group’s companies frequently introduce ergonomic improvements. The occupational health and safety rules applied in the Enea Group are compliant with the applicable laws. All internal safety regulations are adapted to the existing requirements and the current conditions and situations.

We are always looking for new technical and organisational solutions to improve the robustness of our OHS system. The safety of our Employees is continuously monitored and improved, as guaranteed by our internal policies, procedures and instructions. Among others, we conduct regular checks of tools and equipment as well as controls of working conditions. We do our best to shape and promote safe behaviours among our Employees.

Some of our companies have social labour inspectors who inspect the OHS conditions on behalf of the Employees and put forward improvement proposals. The Employee representatives sit on OHS Committees operating in some of our companies. The OHS issues are also included in internal collective bargaining agreements.

Occupational health and safety regulations in selected Group’s companies:

OHS documents in force in selected Enea CG companies

  • ENEA S.A.’s Work Rules and Regulations,
  • OHS training programmes for ENEA S.A.
  • Occupational risk assessment,
  • Other instructions (Instruction on occupational risk assessment and documentation in ENEA S.A.; First Aid Instructions; Fire Safety Instructions, OHS Instruction for Remote Work),
  • E-learning course “OHS in Remote Work”.
  • Procedure of occupational risk assessment and documentation in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,
  • Fire safety procedure in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,
  • Procedure defining the principles of cooperation in OHS area between ENEA Operator sp. z o.o. and Contractors,
  • Periodic OHS training procedure in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,
  • Procedure for live-line working with power devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,
  • Procedure for live-line working on 15 and 20 kV overhead grids in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,
  • Training procedure for live-line working in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.
  • Fall protection procedure for working at height in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,
  • Procedure for the organisation of safe work with power generators in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,
  • Procedure of work organisation during tree, branch and undergrowth removal in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,
  • Procedure concerning rules of operation of power devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,
  • Procedure for granting authorisation to issue orders on live working with power devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,
  • Procedure for granting dispatcher authorisations and authorisations to perform switching actions in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,
  • Procedure for record-keeping and inspection of electrical insulation protective equipment and voltage indicating devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,
  • Document circulation procedure for specialist instructions on the fall protection and evacuation rules while working at height in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,
  • First Aid Procedure in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,
  • Procedure for security of facilities and lands of ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,
  • Procedure for qualification committees for establishing qualification requirements of persons handling the operation and supervision of power generation equipment operating at ENEA Operator.,
  • Rules of operation of power devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,
  • Rules and Regulations for Professional Preparation of New Energy Post Employees,
  • Instructions (including Instruction on organisation of safe work with power devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.; Instruction on organisation of work when installing and replacing balancing meters and communication modules in MV/LV transformer stations for the AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) project, operating instructions of power facilities and devices, job stations instructions, etc.).
  • Integrated Management System including the Occupational Health and Safety Management System,
  • Instruction on Safe Work Organisation in ENEA Połaniec Power Plant,
  • Instruction on conduct in case of accidents and sudden illnesses and post-accident procedure,
  • Instruction on conducting and documenting OHS training and granting authorisations in the work organisation process in ENEA Połaniec Power Plant,
  • Instruction on the assignment of work clothing and footwear, personal protective equipment and cleaning products to Employees,
  • Fire safety instruction in ENEA Połaniec Power Plant,
  • Instruction on the tobacco smoking ban, including novel tobacco products and electronic cigarettes,
  • Occupational health and safety monitoring procedure,
  • Procedure to identify hazards, assess occupational risk and other risks for the OHS management system.
  • Policy of Integrated Quality, Environmental and OHS Management System,
  • OHS Monitoring Procedure,
  • Procedure on the Identification of hazards and evaluation of OHS risks and opportunities,
  • Instructions (Instruction on the assessment of occupational risk at the workplace; Instruction on the investigation of accidents at work, occupational diseases and potential accident occurrences; Instruction on the Safe Work Organisation; job stations and OHS instructions, OHS instructions on the operation of devices),
  • Work Rules and Regulations for Employees of ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.,
  • Policy against mobbing, discrimination and other unacceptable conduct in ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.,
  • Ordinance on the employer’s responsibility for OHS,
  • Induction, on-the-job and regular training programmes for employees, Rules and Regulations of Organisational Units of ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.
  • Rules and Regulations of Organisational Units of ENEA Wytwarzanie sp. z o.o.
  • Mine Safety Document,
  • Accidents at work and other OHS incidents,
  • Accidents on the way to or from work,
  • Management of occupational risk,
  • Monitoring of OHS area,
  • Monitoring of legal regulations and standards in OHS area,
  • Highly hazardous work,
  • Dealing with suspected occupational diseases,
  • Plans to improve OHS conditions,
  • Management of the Safety Document,
  • Work environment monitoring,
  • Work Rules and Regulations,
  • Guidelines and instructions of the Integrated Quality, Environmental and Safety Management System,
  • Internal Collective Bargaining Agreement,
  • Ordinances of the Management Board and the Mining Operations Manager,
  • Orders of the Management Board and the Mining Operations Manager.
  • Procedure for reporting accidents at work,
  • Warehouse OHS instructions (Instruction on the use of a forklift truck; Instruction on the use of a mobile platform; Instruction on manual transportation activities),
  • Instruction on the operation and maintenance of shelving racks,
  • Instruction on the use of a pneumatic table sealer,
  • Instruction on spraying electricity meters with a spray gun,
  • Fire emergency instruction,
  • Other instructions (Instruction on the use of a computer with a display screen and a printer; Instruction on the use of a shredder),
  • Instruction for movement of people in building C of ENEA Pomiary sp. z o.o. at ul. Strzeszyhska 58 in Poznań,
  • Safe Remote Work Instruction.
  • Procedure for reporting accidents at work and accidents while traveling to or from work in ENEA Serwis sp. z o.o.,
  • Procedure for live-line working,
  • Instructions (Office/administrative job instruction; Wireman job instruction; other job station instructions).
  • Work Rules and Regulations for ENEA Oświetlenie sp. z o.o. Employees,
  • Procedure for live-line working with power devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,
  • OHS-related instructions (including Instruction on the organisation of safe work with power devices in ENEA Oświetlenie sp. z o.o.; Electrical equipment installer job instruction; Non-electrician job instruction; Instruction on the use of lines and road lighting devices in ENEA Oświetlenie sp. z o.o.; Electrical equipment installer job instruction on measurement of power devices in a portable measuring laboratory; instructions on marking of road lane works; OHS instruction for transport unloading/loading, storage and assembly of lighting poles; OHS instruction on warehousing and storage of materials; OHS instruction on transport works; OHS instruction on the ladder use; OHS instruction on use of a computer and a printer),
  • OHS instructions on the use of office equipment (including binder machines, photocopiers) and OHS instructions on the use of other equipment (e.g. drills, circular saws for wood cutting, grinders),
  • Rules of operation of power devices in ENEA Operator sp. z o.o.,

Enea Bioenergia, Enea Elektrownia Połaniec, Enea Wytwarzanie and LWB have implemented OHS management systems conforming to the PN-ISO 45001:2018 standard. The systems apply to all Employees and all individuals whose work or workplace is controlled by the companies.

  • GRI 3-3,
  • GRI 403-7

Key measures taken to ensure our Employees’ safety:

We implement effective fire safety measures.
We observe the recommendations of the occupational health function, including medical examinations.
We offer regular occupational health and safety training courses for new hires as well as periodic training.
We create appropriate working conditions and mitigate risks as they emerge.
We develop appropriate documentation that defines workplace risks and methods for preventing accidents.
We ensure ergonomic conditions for those who work with computers.
We continuously monitor and analyse accidents.
We provide Employee safety-related training courses.


In 2023 – after the COVID-19 threats – our Group regulated the matters associated with remote work. Among others, we developed our occupational health and safety manual for remote work, updated the occupational risk assessment for remote work, and defined safety and ergonomic principles when performing remote work. We also started the process of bringing internal rules into line with the government’s regulations on work health and safety at workplaces equipped with display screens.

  • GRI 403-4,
  • GRI 403-5,
  • GRI 403-7

Selected measures to ensure occupational safety (taken in 2023)

  • First aid training for Rescue Coordinators,
  • Purchase of batteries/and electrodes for AED devices,
  • Conducting evacuation drills / training for Evacuation Leaders,
  • Evacuation drills,
  • Updating the summary Firefighting Instructions.
  • Development of new rules of the first aid system,
  •  Development and implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Improvement Programme in terms of, among others, improving hygiene and sanitary conditions for Employees, adapting lighting in selected premises to the requirements of the relevant Polish Standards,
  • Training for approximately 200 Employees in Occupational Health and Safety, assessment of occupational risk at workplaces, and updating of the Enterprise’s Table of Standards for the Provision of Work Clothing and Footwear, Personal Protective Equipment and Cleaning Products in connection with the acquisition of the Employees of Enea Połaniec Serwis,
  • Development of graphic documentation of explosive atmospheres of gases, vapours, liquids and dust, designated in the facilities and in the vicinity of technological systems in Enea Elektrownia Połaniec,
  • Organisation of the 25th edition of the OHS Knowledge Competition – 37 Employees participated in the event,
  • Submission of the technical solution: “Implementation of NSK warning signalling unstable and emergency operation of the K9 boiler” to the National Competition for Improvement of Working Conditions – the project won a distinction in the category of technical and technological solutions,
  • Continuation of the “Pracujemy bezpiecznie albo wcale” [Safe Work or No Work] campaign to improve the work safety of outside contractors, which includes mandatory initial training in occupational health and safety – in 2023, approximately 3,000 persons were trained.
  • Update of the Fire Safety Instruction for Grid Facilities,
  • Purchase of, among others, work and arc protection clothing, protective helmets, rainwear, chainsaw outfits, work footwear, protective and work gloves, fall protection equipment, first aid kits, portable grounding devices, and voltage presence indicators,
  • Purchase of state-of-the-art LitleAnneQCPR phantoms to increase the effectiveness of regular OHS training in first aid,
  • Inspection of all Energy Posts to ensure that they are equipped with OHS equipment as required by the standardisation of EP equipment,
  • Publication of twelve issues of the monthly “Safe Work Bulletin”, covering, among other topics, issues pertaining to occupational health and safety as well as accident prevention,
  • Organisation of a competition on health, safety and fire knowledge in conjunction with the annual Live-Line Work Conference, to promote safe technologies in maintenance work.
  • Implementation of the PN-ISO 45001:2018–06 “Occupational health and safety management systems” standard which replaced the non-mandatory standards for OHS systems. Standard Compliance audit of the systems.

In October 2023, the Safe Work Leaders Selection Committee operating at the Central Institute for Labour Protection – National Research Institute in Warsaw, awarded Enea Elektrownia Potaniec the Safe Work Leader Golden Card for 2024–2025 (for the eighth time running).

  • GRI 403-9

Accidents at work in Enea Group in 2023
Number of fatal accidents Number of all reported accidents
2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023
Employees 0 3 0 162 122 102
Including in Enea SA 0 0 0 0 0 3
Subcontractors 01) 12) 1 107 97 89
Including in Enea SA 0 0 0 0 0 0

1) No data available for the Employees of the subcontractors of Enea Serwis.
2) No data available concerning the Employees of RG Bogdanka and the Employees of the subcontractors of RG Bogdanka, MEC Piła and Enea Operator.

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