Collaboration with suppliers

Transparency, fair business practices, responsible offering and adherence to the terms and conditions of agreements are the foundations of cooperation with our counterparties. All third parties working with the Enea Group’s companies commit to abide by the ENEA Group Code of Conduct for Contractors which sets out basic expectations of our business partners with respect to their compliance with generally applicable laws, market and ethical standards, and reflects our core values and rules of conduct.
The Enea Group’s companies award tenders under the Public Procurement Law and/or its internal procurement policies. The terms and conditions of tenders and bid evaluation criteria are set in line with the needs of the contracting authority and result directly from the object of the contract. They may refer to: the ability to trade, licence to carry out specific business or professional activities (under separate regulations), economic and financial situation, technical or professional capabilities. We take into account also environmental, social and innovative qualities.