ESG Report of the Enea Capital Group for 2023

Significance for regional and local development

  • GRI 203-1

Our companies support the development of local communities and regions. They invest in enhancing our Customers’ energy security and modernise local infrastructure in cities, municipalities and counties. We help connect RES and develop energy clusters. We create jobs, pay taxes and levies to local budgets, thus influencing the lives of local communities. We connect new consumers to our CHP to improve the microclimate and the living conditions of local communities.

The Enea Group’s development of renewable energy sources can have a significant impact on local development. The areas where such projects are carried out receive revenue from: property tax, CIT from entities investing in RES and PIT from farmers who lease their land to wind farm operators and receive taxable income. RES is considered to be a non-intrusive industry, so the land with such projects remains arable and appealing to tourists.


Jobs, traineeships and apprenticeships created for the youth

We work with schools and universities to engage in the development of skills taught in electricity and energy courses of study and improve the students’ chances in the labour market. We support modern industrial and technical education with the latest technology and engagement of experts. This way we enhance the competitiveness and innovation of the schools. We promote energy professions, develop skills and offer career counselling support to the teachers as well as present our companies as attractive places to work.

Enea carries out a range of projects that are fixed dates in the calendars shared with the supported schools, such as: the ‘Moc na start’ scholarship competition in which Enea awards the most talented pupils – authors of the best essays about the latest technologies in the power industry. In 2023, 13 pupils were awarded scholarships of PLN 3 thousand gross.

Zasileni wiedzą’ is an educational programme that presents the latest trends in the power industry and helps develop skills and gain expert knowledge. In 2023, 150 pupils attended the classes offered in the programme.

Over 100 interns took part in an internship programme at the Enea Group’s companies. Eight schools received the total of PLN 160 thousand in equipment to be used in workshop rooms. The programme was delivered in collaboration with the Enea Foundation.

Together with Enea Operator we hosted career counselling workshop for pupils and teachers with over 100 attendees.

Over 100 school representatives: pupils, teachers and directors, took part in the Cooperation – Energy – Future conference during which the participants were presented the VR technology, listened to lectures about small reactors and about the skills necessary in future energy industry. Teachers took part in a workshop with a work coach.

We work with the Poznań University of Economics and Business in the University’s Partner Club. The aim of the project is to promote energy professions and present the Enea Group’s companies as an attractive place to work and attract the best job candidates.

Since 2017 there is a traineeship programme “Zainstaluj się w Enei” organised in Enea Group’s companies. In 2023, 32 students and graduates completed paid traineeships in 11 business areas, inter alia technical & energy, sales, marketing, finance & accounting, IT and HR.

Schools that the Enea Group’s companies worked with in 2023

Educational institution Purpose Form of collaboration
  • Białystok University of Technology
  • University of Gdańsk
To build a positive image of the brand and take part in practical education of the potential future Employees of Enea Ciepło Białystok CHP Division.
  • internships for students,
  • support with engineer’s and master’s theses,
  • participation in the dual education programme delivered at the Bialystok University of Technology as part of the PB 2.0 – Integrated Development Programme,
  • participation in the work of the Industrial and Curriculum Council of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the Białystok University of Technology, 2020–2024 term,
  • educational tours around the premises of Białystok CHP for students and Employees of the Bialystok University of Technology.

Educational institution Purpose Form of collaboration
  • Secondary Technical School in the Oddział Partyzancki AK “Jędrusie” School Complex in Połaniec.
To support professional education of the potential future Employees.
  • internships for 35 pupils of the technical school, with 30 for future electronic technicians and five for future energy technicians.

Additional internships for two pupils of the Technical School Complex in Mielec, internships for a student of the Lublin University of Technology, a student of the University of Rzeszów and a student of Cracow University of Technology.

  • a one-day study visit with a lecture for 26 pupils of the Renewable Energy Equipment and System Technical School at the Stanisława Staszica School Complex in Staszów.

Educational institution Purpose Form of collaboration
  • AGH University of Krakow,
  • Mining School Complex in Łęczna,
  • School Complex in Ostrów Lubelski,
  • Electronic School Complex in Lublin.
To establish and strengthen LWB’s collaboration with the schools and support improvement of the quality of education of their students.

To improve the knowledge and skills, influence the attitudes of and motivate students to lifelong learning and to create future mine staff.

  • internships and training at the company with future employment opportunities,
  • Passport to work at LW Bogdanka S.A. – 40 people employed
  • scholarship scheme – 26 people awarded scholarships.

Additionally, in line with LW Bogdanka S.A. Social Engagement Policy, collaboration with the Academic Centre of Culture and Media “Chatka Żaka” at Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin – a scholarship scheme to support young artists and culture operations from the Lublin region (19 people awarded scholarships).

  • Lublin Universities Association comprising:  Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin University of Technology, Medical University of Lublin, University of Life Sciences in Lublin
To establish academic-business collaboration. The objective is to work together on future research projects, development projects for students and academic research. Engaging students and the university staff in the company’s development projects and sustainable development initiatives, knowledge and information sharing, and in proposals of measures closely in line with LWB’s activities to consider whether they could be implemented and developed, internships and training at the company with employment opportunities.

Educational institution Purpose Form of collaboration
  • Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology,
  • Koszalin University of Technology.
To develop automation and electrical engineering skills among potential Employees.
  • internships and training for students

Educational institution Purpose Form of collaboration
  • School Complex No. 12, Electricity and Energy Technical School (Bydgoszcz),
  • Electricity School Complex (Gorzów Wielkopolski).
  • Technical School Complex – Vocational and Continuing Education Centre (Leszno),
  • Hipolit Cegielski School Complex (Chodzież),
  • Vocational Education Centre (Chodzież),
  • Henryk Zygalski’s Energy Technical School (Poznań),
  • Electricity and Electronics School Complex (Szczecin),
  • Vocational and Continuing Education Centre (Złotów),
  • Pope John Paul II’s Technical School Complex (Gniezno),
  • Civil Engineering School Complex (Piła),
  • Powstańców Wielkopolskich School Complex No. 1 (Wronki),
  • Vocational and Continuing Education Centre “Elektryk” (Nowa Sól).
To support education and adjust the curriculum to the needs of the company as an employer.

To support the schools in promoting vocational education, with active participation in job fairs/open days/conferences etc.

  • pupils’ visits in Enea Operator’s Training Centre in Łagów,
  • internships,
  • workshops to train teachers of electric vocational classes in working with live overhead power lines, cables and switchboards of up to 1 kV (together with the Office of Live Work),
  • launch of presentation of Enea Operator’s 360° photos to improve the quality of education,
  • Wsparcie na start” workshop in collaboration with the Centre for Handicraft, Dual and Vocational Education,
  • FAZA NA NAUKĘ”, a scholarship scheme for the best pupils of a partner school,
  • Education scheme – Innovative training of electricians tailored to the needs of the power industry,
  • drawing up and submitting a request for entering market qualification – Servicing, maintenance, renovation or repair, assembly or disassembly of an overhead and cable line of 1 kV or lower to the Integrated Qualification System,
  • a conference to popularise an innovative curriculum delivered under the EEA Financial Mechanism,
  • development of an innovative curriculum for electricians in cooperation with the Vocational and Continuing Education Centre “Elektryk” in Nowa Sól.

Educational institution Purpose Form of collaboration
  • Warsaw University of Technology,
  • Wrocław University of Science and Technology.
To organise internships for students and post-graduate courses for the technical staff
  • performance of agreements with the higher education institutions,
  • Legiony Polskie School Complex No. 1 in Kozienice
To support vocational education of pupils
  • practical classes for pupils of the basic vocational school of the Legiony Polskie School Complex No. 1 in Kozienice and monthly internships for class two and four pupils of the Electrical Technical School, and class three and four pupils of the Mechanical Technical School at the Legiony Polskie School Complex No. 1 in Kozienice.

Educational institution Purpose Form of collaboration
  • Poznan University of Economics
Building of the positive employer’s image among school and academic communities.

Supporting the recruitment processes and building relationships with potential Employees within programmes conducted at schools and universities.




  • Cooperation within partnership at Partner’s Club
  • Promotion of the job and traineeship offers
  • Participation in the job fair JOB SPOT
  • Poznan University of Technology
  • Applied education programme (dual studies) at electrical engineering study programme for 5 students – wrapping-up the applied education programme in February 2023 and summarising the project of the 4th edition which was attended by 20 students in total
  • Participation in the job fairs and promotion of the job and traineeship offers
  • Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan
  • Cooperation on organising a conference Cooperation – Energy – Future and providing a venue by the university
  • School Complex No. 12, Electricity and Energy Technical School (Bydgoszcz),
  • Hipolit Cegielski School Complex (Chodzież),
  • Vocational Education Centre (Chodzież),
  • Postsecondary School Complex No. 2 in Gniezno
  • Electricity School Complex (Gorzów Wielkopolski),
  • Legiony Polskie School Complex No. 1 in Kozienice,
  • Technical School Complex – Vocational and Continuing Education Centre (Leszno),
  • Vocational and Continuing Education Centre “Elektryk” (Nowa Sól)
  • Civil Engineering School Complex (Piła),
  • Secondary Technical School in the Oddział Partyzancki AK “Jędrusie” School Complex in Połaniec
  • P. Wawrzyniak Electricity School Complex No. 2
  • Henryk Zygalski’s Energy
  • Technical School (Poznań),
  • Electricity and Electronics School Complex (Szczecin),
  • AK School Complex No. 4 in Szczecin
  • Powstańców Wielkopolskich School Complex No. 1 (Wronki),
  • Vocational and Continuing Education Centre (Złotów).
  • Organising stipend competition “Moc na start” – 13 students received stipends in 2023
  • Organising e-lesson Zasileni wiedzą about new technologies in the energy sector
  • Conference Cooperation – Energy – Future addressed for pupils and teachers and focused on new technologies and career counselling
  • Support in the promotion of vocational and technical schools and vocational and technical school system 


In September 2023, we organised 2nd edition of the conference Cooperation – Energy – Future that was attended by almost 200 pupils and teachers from schools under Enea’s patronage. The conference took place at the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznan. The representatives of the Enea Group met with pupils, teachers and directors of vocational schools to sum up the sponsorship collaboration and discuss the shared initiatives of the power industry and post-primary schools. Teachers took part in a workshop with a work coach and pupils attended career counselling workshops and presentation of the modern technologies used in the power industry.

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