GRI 203-1
Our companies support the development of local communities and regions. They invest in enhancing our Customers’ energy security and modernise local infrastructure in cities, municipalities and counties. We help connect RES and develop energy clusters. We create jobs, pay taxes and levies to local budgets, thus influencing the lives of local communities. We connect new consumers to our CHP to improve the microclimate and the living conditions of local communities.
The Enea Group’s development of renewable energy sources can have a significant impact on local development. The areas where such projects are carried out receive revenue from: property tax, CIT from entities investing in RES and PIT from farmers who lease their land to wind farm operators and receive taxable income. RES is considered to be a non-intrusive industry, so the land with such projects remains arable and appealing to tourists.
Jobs, traineeships and apprenticeships created for the youth
We work with schools and universities to engage in the development of skills taught in electricity and energy courses of study and improve the students’ chances in the labour market. We support modern industrial and technical education with the latest technology and engagement of experts. This way we enhance the competitiveness and innovation of the schools. We promote energy professions, develop skills and offer career counselling support to the teachers as well as present our companies as attractive places to work.
Enea carries out a range of projects that are fixed dates in the calendars shared with the supported schools, such as: the ‘Moc na start’ scholarship competition in which Enea awards the most talented pupils – authors of the best essays about the latest technologies in the power industry. In 2023, 13 pupils were awarded scholarships of PLN 3 thousand gross.

‘Zasileni wiedzą’ is an educational programme that presents the latest trends in the power industry and helps develop skills and gain expert knowledge. In 2023, 150 pupils attended the classes offered in the programme.
Over 100 interns took part in an internship programme at the Enea Group’s companies. Eight schools received the total of PLN 160 thousand in equipment to be used in workshop rooms. The programme was delivered in collaboration with the Enea Foundation.
Together with Enea Operator we hosted career counselling workshop for pupils and teachers with over 100 attendees.
Over 100 school representatives: pupils, teachers and directors, took part in the Cooperation – Energy – Future conference during which the participants were presented the VR technology, listened to lectures about small reactors and about the skills necessary in future energy industry. Teachers took part in a workshop with a work coach.
We work with the Poznań University of Economics and Business in the University’s Partner Club. The aim of the project is to promote energy professions and present the Enea Group’s companies as an attractive place to work and attract the best job candidates.
Since 2017 there is a traineeship programme “Zainstaluj się w Enei” organised in Enea Group’s companies. In 2023, 32 students and graduates completed paid traineeships in 11 business areas, inter alia technical & energy, sales, marketing, finance & accounting, IT and HR.