Social projects and Employee volunteerism

GRI 3-3
We are actively involved in many social projects that respond to the needs of our local, regional and national community: The rules of participating in such projects are set out in internal regulations in place at the Group:
- Rules for handling requests for support of ENEA Group of social initiatives,
- Public relations and social partnership rules in the ENEA Group,
- Employee Volunteerisms rules and regulations in the ENEA Group,
- LWB Social Engagement Policy (updated in 2022).
The Group’s social engagement is coordinated by the Corporate Social Responsibility Office, which is part of the Group’s Sponsoring, Promotion and Brand Management Department. The Enea Group has established the Enea Foundation, which engages in social initiatives and serves as the Group’s competence centre with regard to supporting projects that benefit the society, the aid offered to beneficiaries and Employee volunteerism. The Enea Foundation is a public benefit organisation and receives funds from the Enea Group’s companies. Its objectives and principles of operation are defined in:
- Charter of the Enea Foundation,
- Organisational Rules and Regulations of the Enea Foundation,
- Rules and Regulations on granting support by the Enea Foundation.

In 2023, the Enea Foundation made 712 financial donations and two in-kind donations with the total value of over PLN 15.6 million. The funds helped carry out many projects for the local communities across Poland and for the people of Ukraine who suffered during the war that broke out after Russia’s invasion.
- 21.5% – culture, arts, protection of culture and national heritage,
- 21.5% – promoting and protecting human rights and freedoms, individual liberties and supporting the development of democracy,
- 16% – life-saving and civil protection,
- 15% – supporting physical culture and amateur sports,
- 9% – supporting the development of local communities,
- 6% – health protection and promotion,
- 6% – charitable activities,
- 3% – supporting the disabled and the disadvantaged,
- 3% – protection of the environment, animals, natural heritage, helping the victims of catastrophes, natural disasters, armed conflicts and wars at home and abroad, helping and supporting pensioners.
Another entity actively engaged in social activities is the “Solidary Miners” Foundation established by LWB which offers support to Employees of the LWB Group’s companies and their families, victims of accidents, people suffering from illnesses or those in a difficult financial situation. The organisation supports talents, cultural and environmental initiatives and initiatives to promote health.
Among the many projects carried out by the Enea Foundation, one that deserves special praise is the Helping Ukraine initiative, which we continued in 2023. We provided accommodation to 170 refugees in the centres in Dziwnów, Sieraków and Kozienice, and food, toiletries and essentials. We provide legal assistance and translators, if necessary. We support non-governmental organisations which provide aid in Ukraine and those supporting refugees in Poland. In 2023, the Foundation donated over PLN 4 million to support the people of Ukraine.
Cash and in-kind donations in 2023
1) The funds donated by the Group’s companies to the Enea Foundation in 2022 were adjusted to account for the data from the Enea Foundation’s 2022 financial statements published on 31 March 2023.
The Group’s companies organise and support multiple charity events, educational campaigns and local projects (e.g. workshops, competitions, tournaments, fairs and picnics). They provide financial, non-financial and organisational assistance to social initiatives, education and care facilities, sports clubs etc. Also, Group’s Employees support the local communities, by joining volunteering projects.
Selected social projects in 2023:
- Supporting volunteer fire services (nearly 200 brigades) and the farmer wives’ associations (nearly 100 groups).
- “Lokalnie, sportowo, aktywnie” – a programme to motivate local communities to engage in physical activity. A grant of up to PLN 6 thousand could be used to organise local runs, tournaments or sport activities.
- “Szlakiem lokalnej historii” – financial support for projects promoting history and small homelands. A grant of up to PLN 8 thousand could be used to organise walks, historical tours, chart trails and publish albums about the region.
- Fifth edition of Enea Academy of Talent, an educational competition popularising the development and education of children and teenagers by offering financial support to help them develop their passions and talents. Once again, primary and post-primary school pupils were given a chance to win financial prizes to put their ideas in four categories: education, arts, sport and social engagement (a new category) into action. From among more than two thousand pupils who sent their applications, 40 won scholarships of PLN 5 thousand. The Group is set to donate the total of PLN 200 thousand to the project.
- “Biegamy – Zbieramy – Pomagamy” – a charitable project in which the Group’s Employees gain points during runs, walks, bicycle or roller blade trips. Points were also given for commuting by bike and other sport activities. The points collected in a special phone application were then converted into cash and the sum – PLN 50 thousand – was donated to a children’s home. The application provided the users with information about sustainable development goals and guidance how to achieve them. 532 Employees joined the challenge and, individually or in groups, walked 52 470 km, made 128 million steps and rode 166 082 km. Since the beginning of the project, Employees have raised the total of PLN 230 thousand which was donated to help children’s homes and to carry out thermal renovation of a care and education facility. The project is carried out by Enea SA and supported financially by the Enea Foundation.
- “Misja Profilaktyka” – a regular project to protect health and propagate knowledge about physical and mental health prevention The project includes free medical checks, meetings with specialists and webinars. In 2023, during “Twoja mapa zdrowia” campaign, Employees and their families were offered free medical checks and consultations with a general practitioner, diabetologist, dermatologist, dietician and physiotherapist. In total, 826 patients took part in the programme, most of whom consulted a dermatologist, had a videodermatoscopy examination and consulted a general practitioner. The project included a “Bliżej Siebie” campaign that focused on mental health in the workplace. Employees were given educational resources about empathy and communication in the workplace and took part in webinars. Since its launch, the project has had more than two thousand participants. The project was carried out by Enea SA and supported financially by the Enea Foundation.
- “Potęga poMocy” – an Employee volunteering scheme in which Employees help develop their local area and support those in need and can have their own, important project carried out. The Enea Foundation offers grants to support non-profit facilities proposed by the Employees in which an Employee would like to carry out their project. All initiatives are Employee volunteering projects. In 2023, there were more than 60 projects proposed, with PLN 60 thousand donated by the Enea Foundation for their delivery. The projects included: a play station for children with ASD (autism spectrum disorder), physiotherapy for the disabled and the elderly, and promotion of physical activity among children. The project was carried out by Enea SA and supported financially by the Enea Foundation.
- “Oszczędzaj energię z Krzysiem Elektrykiem” – a key Employee volunteering programme addressed to school and early school children who with the help of the Group’s Employees learn about electricity The Group’s volunteers, with Chris, the Electrician, explain to the children what electric current is, how it is created, what types of electricity there are and how they are used and, first of all, what safety precautions to take. This way the Group emphasises the need for safety measures when using electricity and electrical devices. The aim of the presentations is to teach young users of electricity how to be safe and how to use electrical devices and systems properly. The programme is very popular both among Employees and schools and pre-schools that approach us with requests for the classes. Volunteers are given educational resources: a booklet, a video and a crossword to help them organise the meeting, regardless of the department in which they work. In 2023, eight thousand children took part in the programme, and more than 58 thousand in total since the launch of the project. The project is carried out by Enea SA and supported financially by the Enea Foundation.
- “Zwolnieni z Teorii” – a project with more than one thousand projects in 2023. The company organised a programme “Energia w nauce” and supported energy and science promoting projects. More than 100 people were offered professional support of Enea SA’s Employees and carried out nearly 20 projects with almost 300 thousand beneficiaries. “Exempt from Theory” had more than four thousand young participants and the winners received their prized during a grand ceremony. Six projects delivered with the support of Enea SA were named the best projects in the region and two of them – best in Poland.
- „naGranie nad Rusałką” – a project to prevent social exclusion and support the disabled. The organisers of the concerts by the Poznań Rusałka lake and Enea provided a hearing loop system to help people with hearing aids experience a top quality hearing performance. In 2023, there were 14 outdoor concerts for over 4.2 thousand people. Online broadcast had 70 thousand viewers.