Increasing the reliability of energy supply

GRI 3-3,
We guarantee reliable energy supply with advanced technologies and the latest technical standards. We ensure the right quality of infrastructure, monitor its condition and modernise it on a regular basis. We automate distribution grids and invest in generation units, including RES, which help ensure the required capacity of the power system. At least once every two years after implementation we analyse all standards that ensure security of energy supply. If necessary, we revise the standards and add more details so that they meet the requirements and needs of the evolving power grid. Additionally, selected organisational units of Enea Operator undergo an annual test to check the accuracy and timeliness of response in case of a mass failure. We have also implemented a Business continuity management system with regular tests of critical process, e.g. the process for maintaining reliability and security of the grid and continuity of supply.

We limit the consequences of failures and restore power supply as quickly as possible. We make sure that the interruptions in power supply have as little impact on consumers as possible. In 2023, we continued our efforts to increase the reliability of the distribution network by performing planned diagnostics of MV cable lines and ongoing modernisation of power facilities and equipment. We invested in:
- construction of new and modernisation of the existing power lines across all voltages, with construction of HV outputs from the LW/HV transformer stations (strengthening the cooperation between DSOs and TSOs),
- construction of new and modernisation of the existing HV/MW and MV/LV transformer stations and HV/HV and MV/MV switching stations,
- construction of smart grids using the FDIR technology,
- construction of the network infrastructure necessary to connect new generators and consumers to the grid,
- purchases of specialist equipment to support distribution and elements to modernise the network and support facilities.
Grid reliability indicators
Enea Operator uses key performance indicators to measure improvement in grid reliability. The indicators have been developed based on a methodology approved by the Energy Regulatory Office and are used to check the company’s System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) and System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI). Situations arising from catastrophic weather conditions are not taken into account. The energy reliability supply metrics measure the effectiveness of investment and network operation and the organisation of work of relevant Group’s units.
1) Scheduled and unscheduled interruptions in electricity supply for high and medium voltages without force majeure events